
Showing posts from September, 2017

Iran should be evicted from the Arab world

By Arash Nikzad After four decades Iran continues to its destructive policy and exporting of terrorism to the Muslim nations in the region. This regime is not in the right direction and does not adhere to any principles. The regime creates turmoil in the region and wants to show off its missile forces and ballistic missile capability to the countries of the region to threaten them and to pretend Iran still is a dominant power in the  Persian Gulf and the middle east.” “The regime’s intentions in the region are absolutely destructive and the political leaders have to stop regime’s fomenting sectarianism in the region and its support for terrorism It is important that other countries in the region have constantly reiterated the danger of Iranian regime and its interference in the internal affairs of other countries in the region, among them, the foreign minister of Bahrain stated that the Iranian regime is not only a threat to the region, but also to the international community

The noble people of Iran are demanding the UN conduct an independent international investigation of the 1988 massacre.

 By Arash Nikzad . In the final phases of the eight-year Iran-Iraq war, Khomeini who felt that defeat was imminent, decided to take his revenge on the innocent  political prisoners to cover up his defeats and his set back from his slogan the conquer of Jerusalem via Karbala and establishing an Iranian affiliated Islamic republic in Iraq as his first step to make his empire from Tehran to Mediterranean sea     from the west and to the red sea and north or Africa from the south and southwest sea and north of Africa. He issued fatwas (religious decrees) ordering the execution of anyone who had not “repented” and who was not willing to collaborate entirely with the regime, particular MEK/PMOI members.  So, the massacres began, and every day hundreds of political prisoners MEK/PMOI MEMBERS  were hanged and their corpses were buried secretly and hurriedly in mass graves all over major cities, in particular, Tehran. Khomeini decreed: "Whoever at any stage continues to belong to th


MARYAM RAJAVI’S MESSAGE ON THE NEW ACADEMIC YEAR IN IRAN Iran’s young and inventive generation and their honorable teachers do not wish to prolong the rule of a regime which is the enemy of knowledge and freedom September 23, 2017  Fellow courageous pupils and students, Honorable teachers and professors of Iran, on the beginning of the New Academic Year, I salute you. I wish you a year filled with academic and scientific successes. I also hope that the new school year would be a year of advancement and uprising to topple the ruling religious dictatorship and achieve freedom. Under the mullahs’ brutal tyrannical rule where the talents of Iran’s younger generations and the efficiency and sense of responsibility of teachers and professors are fettered by repression and discrimination, the first lesson is the lesson of freedom. I hail our country’s honorable teachers and their associations in all cities and provinces and congratulate them in advance on the World’s Teachers

seeking justice movement: The leaders of the Iranian regime must be tried in international courts

By Arash Nikzad On the memorial of 30,000 rose flowers In fact, the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, according to international laws and legal definitions, is clearly an anti-human and anti-religious crime.  According to the international laws, the international community has a responsibility for peace and justice and proper duty against the criminals who implemented the Anti-human crimes, on the other hand, these crimes do not involve to pass the time-lapse. Because these kinds of crimes are not individual or even national, but from a humanitarian prospect, these crimes consider as a crime against humanity and all the world's people are the victims of these crimes, it's mean that why the international courts to deal with these kinds of the dossiers. Because of the Dictatorial regimes, such as the ruling regime in Iran, are not willing to be accountable to the international community, which is why the Iranian people and its true leaders, like Mrs. Maryam Raja

Iran: the continuation of 1988 massacre

By Arash Nikzad The destruction of the graveyard of the executed member of MEK on 1988 massacre of PMOI member is the continuation of the massacre The UN Secretary-General Guthres in his report points out that there are two mass graves related to the massacres of the summer of 67 1988 in Mashhad and Ahvaz were been destroyed by the regime agents With the aim of destroying the effects of crimes against humanity. Religious dictatorship knows that it must sooner or later be held accountable for its crimes that were committed in the summer of 1988 so that it continues the massacre by eliminating the tomb of the victims. In two of the last discovered cases, the demolition of mass graves, including in Tabriz, is being wiped off in the wadi Rahmat of Tabriz. Another example is the demolition of the mass grave of the victims of 1988 in kasma in Gilan province. Continuation of crime Certainly, the criminals and perpetrators of the massacre should face to justice and must be

president Trump speech in general assembly is a turning point in united states policy and Iran

By Arash Nikzad President Donald Trump addressed the United Nations General Assembly for the first time on Tuesday 19 th September 2017. In his speech, he focused on the threat posed by North Korea, and on Iran’s government and the Iran nuclear deal. On Iran, Trump demanded that “Iran's government must stop supporting terrorists, begin serving its own people, and respect the sovereign rights of its neighbors.” He also criticized the Iran nuclear deal, calling it, characteristically, “one of the worst and most one-sided transactions” and “an embarrassment.” The following is the full text of President Trump's speech on Iran regime. 'It is far past time for the nations of the world to confront another reckless regime, one that speaks openly of mass murder following death to America, destruction to Israel, and ruin for many leaders and nations in this room.  The Iranian government masks a corrupt dictatorship behind the false guise of a democracy . It has turned a wea

Maryam Rajavi: welcomed president Trump's speech on united nation general assembly about the necessity of change in Iran

By Arash Nikzad Mrs. Maryam Rajiv, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, welcomed President Tramp's remarks as the first testimony of a US president over the past 38 years about the need for a change in religious fascism by the Iranian people, who has been declared by the  Iranian resistance for 36 years.  Mrs. Rajiv added: President Tramp correctly stated in his speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations about the Iranian people and the ruling religious fascism that "the people of Iran are the   main victims of this regime and suffer from it" and "the whole world understands that the good people of Iran are demanding regime Change in Iran as a part of their pass to democracy” The president of the United States has argued that the Iranian people's money and capital are spent for the survival of Bashar al-Assad's dictatorship and fueling the civil war in Yemen and Hezbollah and the Iran’s regime is a corrupt dictatorship,

Why the Mass Graves of the PMOI/MEK Victims of 1988 Massacre Being Destroyed by Iran

As the international community seeks legal justice for the perpetrators of the massacre of members and sympathizers of PMOI/MEK  in 1988 , the government in Tehran seeks to destroy the graves of MEK martyrs killed in this criminal act. Signs of this MEK genocide are being eliminated in several cities, including Ahvaz (southwestern Iran), Mashhad (northeast), Isfahan (center of Iran), Tabriz and Ardabil (Northwestern), and others. Mass graves of MEK members are being destroyed, and family members are unable to pay tribute to their loved ones. In previous years, the families have shown respect by cementing the graves and removing the garbage. At Vadi-e Rahmat Cemetery of Tabriz, graves were destroyed under the pretext of carrying out construction projects. Supporters of the MEK posted photos and videos of the destruction in several places on the internet, including the Telegram Channel on September 11th, 2017. The project  was done under the supervision of Tabriz Civil Enginee


BY Arash Nikzad As a result of the efforts of thousands of the human right activist around the world, the movement calling for justice for the victims of the massacre in Iran has expanded since last year. Today, even youths born after the massacre have risen up to call for justice for the victims. The people of Iran want to end the impunity of those in charge of the massacre and hold them accountable before the international court. This has turned into the Iranian people’s most important political demand from the ruling mullahs. The campaign calling for justice obtained new information about the slaughter, including a large number of names of the victims, as well as the locations of numerous mass graves which the mullahs had previously concealed. The people of Iran demand that the perpetrators of the massacre are held accountable and their impunity ended. The Justice seeking movement in Iran managed to corner the mullahs. Khamenei intended to put a member of the 1988 m

Iran is on the verge of deep social and political changes!

By Arash Nikzad For more than three decades The Iranian Regime is in the focus of international attentions for several reasons; none of them good, but for its interfere in Syria, to keep a butcher in power. Funding the paramilitary forces in Iraq, Yemen Syria, and Lebanon. Smuggling illegal arms to Yemen and Lebanon. Training terrorists in revolutionary guard garrisons inside Iran. In fact, Iran is on the back of every evil act in the Middle East. In the Middle East and around the world many people are demanding for a firm policy against Iran. contrary to the appeasement policy that has reigned for nearly 40 years. They want to see the Iranian Regime punished for violation of human rights, internal crack down, their destabilization rule in the Middle East, and their support for terrorism. In regards to the economic situation in Iran, the country is on the verge of collapse. The government disables to find and implement any solution for economic growth. The Iranian political l

It Time for the truth, justice, and accountability for 1988 massacre in Iran.

  on the memorial of 30,000 fallen red flowers By Arash Nikzad  In 1988, the Iranian regime slaughtered 30,000 INNOCENT political prisoners based on a fatwa from former Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khomeini. He issued the fatwa to cover up his regime defeat in eight years’ war with Iraq, after declaring his acceptance to 598 united nation security council resolution and a bloody revenge from his main opposition MEK/PMOI and his surrounding to the international community demands for cease fire in Iran, Iraq war.  As a result, They judiciary system of the government organized “Death Commissions” who would determine in two-minute trials to implement Khomeini decree and annihilate the dissident and buried their bodies in secret mass graves. If the political prisoner refused to deny their beliefs, swear allegiance to the Regime, and cause harm to fellow prisoners; they would be killed regardless of their age, whether their sentence had already been completed, or even wheth

Request for the Formation of a UN Commission of Inquiry into the Mass Execution of Political Prisoners in 1988 in Iran”.

By Arash Nikzad After almost 29 years finally, the international community and the United Nation authorities reach to the point of accountability from perpetrators of mass execution of political prisoners in 1988 summer in Iran   We believe that the extra-legal mass executions of political prisoners in the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1988 and the need to end the impunity for the perpetrators of this crime warrant and necessitate a UN Commission of Inquiry and we urge UN. Authorities to initiate and facilitate the inquiry process.  In the period between July and October of 1988 more than thirty thousands of political prisoners were executed in Iran according to the religious decree of Khomeini. The decree condemning all prisoner who affiliated to MEK/PMOI and the members of the Iranian opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK / PMOI) to death. The decree read in part, “Those who remain steadfast in their position of nifaq [support for MEK] in prisons throughout the country are con

Iran out of Middle East

By Arash Nikzad Iran has benefited from the occupation of Iraq and then from involvement in Syrian civil war to divert international community attention and crosshairs away from its nuclear program and its internal disability to find a right solution for endless problems inside Iranian society. After almost four decades of though policy and Iron fist against any dissidents voice, Iran’s regime have no choice except increasing internal crackdown and aggressive policy against the free world. Indeed, the Iranian Regime has spent years funding and training proxy militias in order to destabilize foreign countries, as an important part of its doctrine to save the mullahs from internal threats and a false behavior to pretend It is the most powerful country in the Middle East.  In fact, Iran has taken advantage of the invasion of Iraq, War on Terror, the Syrian Civil War, and the rise of ISIS to extend its influence across the Middle East because no one was paying attention to ruling

The massage of new MEK/PMOI secretary general to the people of Iran

By Arash Nikzad The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, (PMOI/MEK) hold its annual Congress on Wednesday, September 6, in Tirana, Albania. The Congress elected Ms. Zahra Merrikhi, 58, as its new Secretary General for an extendable two years term. The MEK/PMOI is the main opposition to the Iranian fundamentalist regime, and it has been brutally suppressed by the Iranian regime during more than three decades. Over 120,000 MEK members and supporters have been executed by the Iranian regime. 30,000 innocent political prisoners, were executed on 1988 Former Iranian intelligence minister Ali Fellahin in his recent interview with the state run TV revealed the mindset behind the 1988 mass execution. In his interview, Fallahian explains whoever had any relationship with MEK/PMOI was condemned to death according to the Khomeini’s decree. He said: “Imam [Khomeini] said you must execute those who are steadfast in their beliefs,” as soon as possible and Annihilate the enemies of Islam i

After Her Election as PMOI/MEK Secretary General, Zahra Merrikhi Pledges to establish freedom and democracy in Iran.

Ms. Zahra Merrikhi has been elected as the new Secretary General of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MEK/PMOI) The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, (PMOI/MEK) held its annual Congress simultaneously in Tirana and five other countries. On the PMOI’s 52nd founding anniversary, the Congress elected Ms. Zahra Merrikhi as its new Secretary General. Ms. Zohreh Akhyani, the Secretary General since 2011, chaired the Congress. According to the PMOI’s bylaws, the Secretary General is elected to an extendable term of two years. The election is held in three phases. In the first phase, members of the PMOI Central Council, and in the second the organization’s officials and cadres in different departments, cast their votes in secret ballots. In the third phase, at the PMOI Congress, all members vote by raising their hands. In the first phase, on August 20, 2017, Ms. Merrikhi was elected from among 12 candidates by a majority of the Central Council members. The four lead


02 September 2017-The Secretary-General of U.N. transmitted to the General Assembly the report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, which has been submitted in accordance with Human Rights Council resolution 34/23. During its thirty-third session, the Human Rights Council appointed Asma Jahangir as Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran. The present report outlines the activities carried out by the Special Rapporteur since the issuance of her first report to the Council (A/HRC/34/65), examines ongoing issues and presents some of the most recent and pressing developments in the area of human rights in the country. It is noteworthy that recently Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President Elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, in her speech on the anniversary of 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran stated: ‘It is essential that the UN Security Council refer this case to the International Criminal Court to arrange for the

Maryam Rajavi Speech in Tirana, Albania to commemorate the epic of Ashraf

‌By Arash Nikzad Maryam Rajavi the President elected of the Iranian Resistance announced that the Iranian Regime had failed in its goal to eliminate the democratic resistance forces at a ceremony which held in Albania on September first, to commemorate the memory of 52 martyrs fallen for freedom on first September 2013 on camp Ashraf in Iraq by Iran’s affiliated agents in Iraq armed forces. Maryam Rajavi added Four years have passed since the mass executions of 52 innocents PMOI members in Ashraf, but the regime’s consecutive schemes to annihilate the PMOI have failed and the sacrifice of their victims have inspired and motivated greater protests and social readiness. Two years after signing of the JCPOA, the mullahs have neither pulled the country’s economy out of bankruptcy nor have they responded to the demands of Iran’s defiant society. They have not found any way out of the quagmire in Syria and the schism at the top of their ominous regime is becoming increasingly wider.” R