seeking justice movement: The leaders of the Iranian regime must be tried in international courts

By Arash Nikzad

On the memorial of 30,000 rose flowers

In fact, the massacre of political prisoners in 1988, according to international laws and legal definitions, is clearly an anti-human and anti-religious crime.  According to the international laws, the international community has a responsibility for peace and justice and proper duty against the criminals who implemented the Anti-human crimes, on the other hand, these crimes do not involve to pass the time-lapse.
Because these kinds of crimes are not individual or even national, but from a humanitarian prospect, these crimes consider as a crime against humanity and all the world's people are the victims of these crimes, it's mean that why the international courts to deal with these kinds of the dossiers. Because of the Dictatorial regimes, such as the ruling regime in Iran, are not willing to be accountable to the international community, which is why the Iranian people and its true leaders, like Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, have changed the situation with their brave actions. So, this crime is being considered as an international case. The International community, the Nobel people of the world and United Nations Secretary-general have the responsibility to study the 1988 massacre of political prisoners in Iran in the security council and refer this case to the international court for accountability and trail of Iran leadership and don't be allowed to escape from justice and punishment.


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