The massage of new MEK/PMOI secretary general to the people of Iran

By Arash Nikzad

The People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, (PMOI/MEK) hold its annual Congress on Wednesday, September 6, in Tirana, Albania. The Congress elected Ms. Zahra Merrikhi, 58, as its new Secretary General for an extendable two years term.
The MEK/PMOI is the main opposition to the Iranian fundamentalist regime, and it has been brutally suppressed by the Iranian regime during more than three decades. Over 120,000 MEK members and supporters have been executed by the Iranian regime. 30,000 innocent political prisoners, were executed on 1988
Former Iranian intelligence minister Ali Fellahin in his recent interview with the state run TV revealed the mindset behind the 1988 mass execution. In his interview, Fallahian explains whoever had any relationship with MEK/PMOI was condemned to death according to the Khomeini’s decree. He said:
“Imam [Khomeini] said you must execute those who are steadfast in their beliefs,” as soon as possible and Annihilate the enemies of Islam immediately!
Last year the revelation of an audio tape and unpublished letters of the late Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, former successor to Khomeini, shed new light on dimensions of this grave crime. Pregnant women and girls as young as 14 and 15 years old were among those executed, Mr. Montazeri wrote.
Despite the brutal crackdown, during more than three decades, the MEK has managed to survive and grow, and it enjoys vast popular support among Iranians inside and outside of the country. Its annual gathering assembles over 100,000 Iranians from all over the world and millions watch the event inside Iran.
This year’s congress was important because the new Secretary General was elected.
Ms.  Zahra Merrikhi the new elected Secretary General of MEK/PMOI said. “Today, the PMOI, with the help of the Iranian people, is prepared as never before to overthrow the clerical regime,”


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