Request for the Formation of a UN Commission of Inquiry into the Mass Execution of Political Prisoners in 1988 in Iran”.

By Arash Nikzad

After almost 29 years finally, the international community and the United Nation authorities reach to the point of accountability from perpetrators of mass execution of political prisoners in 1988 summer in Iran
 We believe that the extra-legal mass executions of political prisoners in the Islamic Republic of Iran in 1988 and the need to end the impunity for the perpetrators of this crime warrant and necessitate a UN Commission of Inquiry and we urge UN. Authorities to initiate and facilitate the inquiry process. 
In the period between July and October of 1988 more than thirty thousands of political prisoners were executed in Iran according to the religious decree of Khomeini.
The decree condemning all prisoner who affiliated to MEK/PMOI and the members of the Iranian opposition Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK / PMOI) to death. The decree read in part, “Those who remain steadfast in their position of nifaq [support for MEK] in prisons throughout the country are considered to be muharib (waging war on God) and are condemned to execution and annihilate the enemy of Islam immediately.” The primary litmus test to escape execution was to renounce their political belief and affiliation.
In a subsequent decree the Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khomeini, said, “If the person at any stage or at any time maintains his position on nifaq [support for MEK], the sentence is execution. Annihilate the enemies of Islam immediately. With regard to the case files, use whichever criterion that speeds up the implementation of the verdict.”
The responsibility for implementing the decree was entrusted on three-member commissions formed throughout the country, which included a Sharia judge, a prosecutor and a representative of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security. The prisoners called them “Death Commissions”. The extrajudicial executions in violation of due process of law were soon extended to political prisoners belonging to other political groups.
The sentences were often carried out within hours. Former officials place the total number of victims in the tens of thousands.
Iran continues to have the highest rate of executions in the world compared to its population. Iran’s judiciary system often imposes the death penalty for crimes not considered most serious crimes, for political prisoners, for juvenile offenders and with flagrant violations of due process of law.
We, therefore, urge international community and the United Nation secretary general to use the authority of his  Office to end impunity, restore accountability and to form a fact finding delegation and send them to Iran to investigate and interview with the families of the victims and the witnesses state official who were  involved  and the perpetrators, too.

It’s time to transparency and put the light on the 1988 massacre in Iran.


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