Iran out of Middle East

By Arash Nikzad

Iran has benefited from the occupation of Iraq and then from involvement in Syrian civil war to divert international community attention and crosshairs away from its nuclear program and its internal disability to find a right solution for endless problems inside Iranian society. After almost four decades of though policy and Iron fist against any dissidents voice, Iran’s regime have no choice except increasing internal crackdown and aggressive policy against the free world.

Indeed, the Iranian Regime has spent years funding and training proxy militias in order to destabilize foreign countries, as an important part of its doctrine to save the mullahs from internal threats and a false behavior to pretend It is the most powerful country in the Middle East.

 In fact, Iran has taken advantage of the invasion of Iraq, War on Terror, the Syrian Civil War, and the rise of ISIS to extend its influence across the Middle East because no one was paying attention to ruling mullahs in Iran.
 “Iran is now seeking to place itself as the ultimate winner of the Syria war, and a glimpse at post-2003 war Iraq and the status of Lebanon provides a prelude of the devastation to come. As such, all the more important to launch global initiatives to counter Iran’s hostile aims.”
Now is the time to focus on the Iranian Regime’s destabilization of the Middle East before it’s too late
it was important for the international community and political leaders to be united over the fact that Iran presents a serious security risk to the Middle East and that their security threats will not be tolerated.
So, it is the time to focus on the Iranian Regime’s destabilization rule in the Middle East before it’s too late.


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