Iran should be evicted from the Arab world

By Arash Nikzad

After four decades Iran continues to its destructive policy and exporting of terrorism to the Muslim nations in the region.
This regime is not in the right direction and does not adhere to any principles. The regime creates turmoil in the region and wants to show off its missile forces and ballistic missile capability to the countries of the region to threaten them and to pretend Iran still is a dominant power in the  Persian Gulf and the middle east.”
“The regime’s intentions in the region are absolutely destructive and the political leaders have to stop regime’s fomenting sectarianism in the region and its support for terrorism
It is important that other countries in the region have constantly reiterated the danger of Iranian regime and its interference in the internal affairs of other countries in the region, among them, the foreign minister of Bahrain stated that the Iranian regime is not only a threat to the region, but also to the international community as a whole.
It is clear that this [regime] is the main source of threat to the world. They are not just a threat to the region but a global threat, too.
Referring to the Iranian regime's support for Houthi militants in Yemen’s    civil war, it is obvious that “The Houthis themselves cannot make a decision, alone. Even if you reach an agreement with them, they will call the Iranian regime to make a decision in favor of Iran’s regional policy and.... After they call Tehran, they withdraw from the agreement as a part of Tehran scenario, and then you will not have any agreement. For this reason, the only solution available is the eviction of Iran from the region.”


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