Maryam Rajavi: welcomed president Trump's speech on united nation general assembly about the necessity of change in Iran

By Arash Nikzad

Mrs. Maryam Rajiv, President-elect of the Iranian Resistance, welcomed President Tramp's remarks as the first testimony of a US president over the past 38 years about the need for a change in religious fascism by the Iranian people, who has been declared by the  Iranian resistance for 36 years.

 Mrs. Rajiv added: President Tramp correctly stated in his speech to the General Assembly of the United Nations about the Iranian people and the ruling religious fascism that "the people of Iran are the   main victims of this regime and suffer from it" and "the whole world understands that the good people of Iran are demanding regime Change in Iran as a part of their pass to democracy”
The president of the United States has argued that the Iranian people's money and capital are spent for the survival of Bashar al-Assad's dictatorship and fueling the civil war in Yemen and Hezbollah and the Iran’s regime is a corrupt dictatorship, who exports violent, terrorism, bleeding and crisis. The Iranians are suffered more than anything else from the corrupted mullahs.
she said: Recognition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran as the only democratic alternative to the religious and terrorist dictatorship necessitates the completion and compensation of the catastrophic policy of the past decades of the United States towards the Iranian people, whose historical record has been to coup against the national and democratic government of Dr. Mohammad Mossadeq and the support Returns from the dictatorship of the king.
Recalling the violations of the United States government in Iraq in protecting the residents of Ashraf and Liberty in Iraq and paving the way for suppressing the main opposition of the mullahs with a terrorist label, Mrs. Rajavi, like the concessions given to the clerics, is another embarrassing example. He called for actions that were very heavy and bloody for the Iranian people.
 In 2003, following a ruling by the Iraqi government on the deportation and seizure of MEK weapons and property, the Washington Post (December 10th) wrote this surprising move "may interfere with the balance of power in the region." In practice, this became the case and the life of the Velayat-e faqih regime was long.
Iran's resistance is that the positions of the President of the United States must be followed by a series of executive actions:
1- Referral of the crimes of this regime, in particular, the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 to the International Criminal Court, and to put the regime's leaders and officials in charge of crimes against justice;
2- eviction  of the clerical regime in the region and expel of Iran's  revolutionary guards and its  mercenaries from Iraq, Syria and Yemen, and Afghanistan and Lebanon;
3. Applying the previous resolutions of the United Nations Security Council on the nuclear weapons project of the Mullahs regime and the ban on enrichment, with the free and unconditional access for inspection of the military and civilian centers of the regime;
4. Payment of the money of property, equipment, and weapons of the National liberation army of Iran in Iraq which bought at their own expense and all documents are available.


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