Iran is on the verge of deep social and political changes!

By Arash Nikzad

For more than three decades The Iranian Regime is in the focus of international attentions for several reasons; none of them good, but for its interfere in Syria, to keep a butcher in power. Funding the paramilitary forces in Iraq, Yemen Syria, and Lebanon. Smuggling illegal arms to Yemen and Lebanon. Training terrorists in revolutionary guard garrisons inside Iran.
In fact, Iran is on the back of every evil act in the Middle East.
In the Middle East and around the world many people are demanding for a firm policy against Iran. contrary to the appeasement policy that has reigned for nearly 40 years. They want to see the Iranian Regime punished for violation of human rights, internal crack down, their destabilization rule in the Middle East, and their support for terrorism.
In regards to the economic situation in Iran, the country is on the verge of collapse.
The government disables to find and implement any solution for economic growth.
The Iranian political leadership spent all of the country revenue for its expanding policy to dominate the other country, and obviously to make its Islamic empire.
The Iranian society is dissatisfied and exhausted from financial corruption among the officials.
There for everything is ready for a deep change inside Iran and the change will come soon.
The social scientist called this change revolution
So, we all expecting a public uprising and the democratic revolution in Iran


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