Maryam Rajavi Speech in Tirana, Albania to commemorate the epic of Ashraf

‌By Arash Nikzad

Maryam Rajavi the President elected of the Iranian Resistance announced that the Iranian Regime had failed in its goal to eliminate the democratic resistance forces at a ceremony which held in Albania on September first, to commemorate the memory of 52 martyrs fallen for freedom on first September 2013 on camp Ashraf in Iraq by Iran’s affiliated agents in Iraq armed forces.
Maryam Rajavi added Four years have passed since the mass executions of 52 innocents PMOI members in Ashraf, but the regime’s consecutive schemes to annihilate the PMOI have failed and the sacrifice of their victims have inspired and motivated greater protests and social readiness. Two years after signing of the JCPOA, the mullahs have neither pulled the country’s economy out of bankruptcy nor have they responded to the demands of Iran’s defiant society. They have not found any way out of the quagmire in Syria and the schism at the top of their ominous regime is becoming increasingly wider.”
Rajavi made this speech in front of hundreds of diplomats, politicians, and activists at an event to commemorate the massacre of 52 members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI) during their exile in Iraq in 2013.
These brave political activists were assassinated by the puppet Iraqi government on the orders of the Iranian Regime.
Rajavi said: “The mass execution of PMOI members was the hidden half of the regime’s retreat in the nuclear talks and the JCPOA. Before the start of the talks with P5+1 and signing of an agreement in November 2013, the regime resorted to the massacre in Ashraf. Following Khamenei’s approval of the JCPOA in October 2015, Camp Liberty was attacked by rockets. All the stages of the nuclear agreement, starting from secret talks to the signing of JCPOA, were accompanied by attacks on and slaughter of Ashraf residents. The regime needs to annihilate its most important existential threat, namely the PMOI and the Iranian Resistance, to guarantee its survival.”

She asserted that their murders should not be forgotten and we should resist all attempts at a cover up, demanding that the massacre is investigated and that those responsible face justice. She also noted that there should be an investigation into why the US did not act and instead continued their appeasement of the mullahs.
She said: “The US policy over the past 16 years, especially the Obama administration’s policy, helped secure windfall gains for the mullahs’ regime. The overwhelming portion of the disasters caused by the regime in the Middle East was enabled by such concessions. Now that the world has discovered the horrible consequences of such a policy, it is essential to open the most important dossiers in this regard, including the dossier on Ashraf.”
Rajavi also called on the US and the UN to make the Iraqi government- as it seeks to legitimize itself internationally- reimburse the PMOI for its assets and properties in Iraq (estimated at $600 million).
Rajavi also praised the hunger strike of the political Gohardasht Prison in Iran.
She said: “The resistance of these brave prisoners has drawn extensive solidarity from people all across the country and around the world.”
She urged the international community to hold the Regime accountable for its crimes in order to stop the egregious human rights violations in the country.


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