Iran: the continuation of 1988 massacre

By Arash Nikzad

The destruction of the graveyard of the executed member of MEK on 1988 massacre of PMOI member is the continuation of the massacre

The UN Secretary-General Guthres in his report points out that there are two mass graves related to the massacres of the summer of 67 1988 in Mashhad and Ahvaz were been destroyed by the regime agents With the aim of destroying the effects of crimes against humanity.
Religious dictatorship knows that it must sooner or later be held accountable for its crimes that were committed in the summer of 1988 so that it continues the massacre by eliminating the tomb of the victims. In two of the last discovered cases, the demolition of mass graves, including in Tabriz, is being wiped off in the wadi Rahmat of Tabriz.

Another example is the demolition of the mass grave of the victims of 1988 in kasma in Gilan province.

Continuation of crime
Certainly, the criminals and perpetrators of the massacre should face to justice and must be accountable for their crimes before the court, on that day they have to admit to their crimes against humanity and to announce the burial places of the victims and the names of the executed. Perhaps they think that if mass graves are destroyed, they can also obliterate the crime, but one should not forget that crimes against humanity will not be subject to time lapse. The attempt to eliminate the effects of crime is considered a crime.


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