
Showing posts from August, 2017

Cease Iran's destructive interventions in Middle East

By Arash Nikzad  Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif in his recent remarks tried to defend Iran’s intervene in the region as a mandate to defend human rights!! He added. “The foreign policy of the Islamic Republic, based on our Constitution, is a policy that is naturally founded on human rights. What is the meaning of human rights?  And then he continued It means defending the rights of innocent against oppressors… We have this definition in our constitution. This is not equivalent to interfering, in other countries internal affairs” he claimed. Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force commander, General Qassem Suleimani followed. He said, “There were friends in high places, in our country’s domestic and foreign hierarchy, who argued not to get involved in Syria and Iraq, and sit back and respectfully defend the revolution. One individual asked you mean we go and defend dictators? The leader (referring to so called Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei) provided a clear re

Iran out of Iraq ,now!

 By Arash Nikzad When the United States accompany with coalition forces invaded Iraq 14 years ago to topple Saddam Hussein, it saw Iraq as a potential pass to a peaceful process to a democratic government in the Middle East and a good example of democracy for the region but what happened after it and what is the real situation of newly born democracy in Iraq now. Across the country,pro-Iranian militias are hard at work establishing a corridor to move men and guns to  Iran’s proxy forces in Syria and Lebanon. And in the halls of power in Baghdad, even the most senior Iraqi cabinet officials have been blessed, or bounced out, by Iran’s leadership. Iran’s dominance over Iraq has heightened sectarian tensions within Iraq and around the region, with Sunni states, and American allies, like Saudi Arabia, mobilizing to oppose Iranian expansionism. But Iraq is not the only part of Iran’s expansion strategy; Iran has tried to extend its influence in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Afg

It's time to evacuate Iran from Iraq

By Arash Nikzad  The time has come for Iraqi nationalist politician to emerge a new Iraq from the ash of 15 years wars and occupation without the influence of the Iranian regime and take its rightful place as a  progress and leading figure in the Arab world. Iranian Regime exploited the political vacuum after second gulf war and seized power in Iraq following the 2003 invasion by the US, and destroyed what had made Iraq good during almost three decades. “Iraq was known as a multi ethnic society where Arabs, Kurds, and Turkmens lived alongside and in mixed societies for centuries. Prior to Iran gaining its disastrous way across Mesopotamia, this was a land where the majority of Shiites lived and prospered with their Sunni, Christian, Yazidi and all other religious minority brothers.” Now, Iraqi officials have held meetings with representatives from most Arab states, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which signal changes to come. The most important aspect of

Iran out of Syria

By Arash Nikzad The complexity of the civil war in Syria is increased by the Iran’s direct military intervention and Its Leanness mercenaries and so called its partner. Because the Bashar Alassad army has no motivation to kill its own people to survive a dictator in power and save him from toppling by Syria people. Iran's military presence and its increasing influence in Syria is very dangerous for peace and stability in the whole region and It has its cultural and religious dimension, which adds to the complexity of civil war in Syria. So the world has to focus on defeating Iran revolutionary guard meddling in Syria and must focus on evacuating its forces from Syria. In recent weeks, it has been evident that the Israeli intelligence services have become increasingly concerned over the Iranian Regime’s  revolutionary guards in  Syria and issued a new report from an Israeli intelligence analyst and remarked his concerns about it. Ronen Salomon has been working on a project to

Maryam Rajavi speaks at a ceremony marking the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran

MARYAM RAJAVI’S SPEECH ON THE ANNIVERSARY OF 1988 MASSACRE OF POLITICAL PRISONERS IN IRAN Seeking Justice for Victims of 1988 Massacre is Indispensable for the Iranian Nation’s Campaign to Overthrow the Regime in IranDear sisters and brothers, the honourable friends of the Iranian Resistance, I salute you all.The presence of supporters of Iranian Resistance in this gathering, which is calling for justice for the victims of the 1988 massacre in Iran, is heartwarming.This is an extraordinary gathering. Among you here today, more than 920 have spent many years in prisons of the Shah and Khomeini. Nearly 10 percent were incarcerated during under the Shah and about 90 percent under the mullahs’ regime. Some served anywhere from 5 to 10 and 12, 13, 15 and even 17 years. In 2009, the Iranian Resistance’s Leader Massoud Rajavi said that the names of all of you, who were in Camp Ashraf, Iraq, at the time, had been sent to all relevant international organizations. The renowned Am

international call for justice for victims of 1988 massacre in Iran

By Arash Nikzad preparators of crime  against humanity in 1988 massacre  National Conseil of resistance of Iran issued a statement and called for an international commission of inquiry to investigate 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran Human rights defenders, dignitaries, European politicians and the Iranian Resistance called for the formation of an international commission of inquiry into the massacre of political prisoners in Iran in the summer of 1988 and bringing those responsible for this genocide and crime against humanity to justice. They stressed that the issue of human rights should be at the core of the West’s policy on Iran. They urged the UN, EU and the US to put the issue of flagrant and systematic violation of human rights in Iran on top of their agenda. The call was made during an exhibition on the 1988 massacre that took place upon the initiative of Mr. Jean-François Legaret, the Mayor of Paris municipality District 1 at this municipali

ّIran's new cabinet members dark background in murdering ,torture and crackdown

A quick glance to the new cabinet members' record  in Iran  By Arash Nikzad The ministers who President Rouhani has introduced for his new cabinet indicate to his surrendering to the so-called supreme leader.  These are names consisting of former Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) members, hostage takers, executioners, and thieves. There are also reports indicating Rouhani ran through his candidates in close coordination with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. This goes against Iranian political norms — Khamenei is known to have a say in a number of specific candidates, including the key ministers of defense, foreign affairs, and intelligence. Anger mounted during his first term over Rouhani’s ironic decision to appoint Mostafa Pourmohammadi as his justice minister. Pourmohammadi is known for his direct role in the notorious 1988 massacre of over 30,000 political prisoners, mostly members and supporters members of the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organiza

Iranian resistance growth and the mullahs concerns

By Arash Nikzad For almost four decades, the Iranian regime has constantly tried to minimize the role and influence of its main opposition coalition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran, and the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), by portraying them as marginal and insignificant. Yet, its mainstream media and top officials are constantly betraying the regime's real feelings and fear of the group. The Iranian state media which representing all factions of the Iranian regime expressed concern about the senators' visit. Rajavi thanked the senators for their firm position toward Iranian regime, especially the adoption of new sanctions against the mullahs and the Revolutionary Guards for violation of human rights, continuation of Iran's ballistic missile program, and the export of terrorism. The visit comes as the Trump administration is reviewing its policy toward Iran's destabilized activities, and cabinet officials have hinted at suppo

Regime Change is the only solution for saving ailing economy in Iran

By Arash Nikzad During his second inauguration, Hassan Rouhani promised to embark on an “economic revolution” in order to create jobs for the millions unemployed, but the main problem facing the Iranian people is not the economy but the prehistoric nature of the Regime.  Everybody knows The economy is big problem in Iran, which has led to almost 30% of Iranians living below the absolute poverty line and destroyed middle classes in Iranian society and more than a quarter of the Iranian force work (youths) being unemployed, but this is due to the Regime continually p financing terrorist groups and pouring Iranians’ money into foreign conflicts and the military rather than economic projects that would benefit the people like infrastructure or health care or promote the level of life in society and improve the educational system and so on. In an article Financial Times, cites the country’s “ailing banking sector” as the main problem in the Iranian economy. The author added

The deadly impasse of Iran's mullahs.

By Arash Nikzad Iran president has replaced more than half of his previous ministers at the begging of his second term. According to the news, data, speech, and remarks made by Iran’s  officials and analyst  about the new cabinet combination is appeared  to be that it has not been formed to respond to the country’s economic and social crises and problems, but, instead, to address the demands of regime’s rival bands, and the new cabinet formed to response the conservative faction demands to share themselves in new cabinet.  . Even regime’s own experts acknowledge that the current problems are too dangerous and serious to resolve through a cabinet reshuffle. One of them said recently “we have no hope for the new cabinet”, adding “I believe that as long as we have an infected economy which is widely influenced by capital, it won’t be significantly affected by anyone. An efficient cabinet is the one with a strategy and plan, to save the economy from collapse.  Another political ex

why aren't the sanctions on Iran enough for regime change?

By Arash Nikzad  The new sanctions on Iran are considered as an important and vital step in the right direction but they must be coupled with a whole new policy on the Iranian Regime, too. Alireza Jafarzadeh, the deputy director of the Washington office of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, wrote an op-ed on Fox News in which he welcomed the US sanctions against the Iranian Regime but advised the government to also support the Iranian people’s resistance. He wrote: “These pressures will make a profound difference in the future of Iran if coupled with reaching out to the people of Iran and their organized opposition. They will succeed in diminishing the power and influence of the notorious IRGC; bolster the Iranian people and the prospect of the emergence of a truly democratic Iranian government.” Two years after the signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA/ Iran nuclear deal), Jafarzadeh argued that the nuclear deal has- at best- only had a limited impac

How regime change is within reach in Iran?

By Arash Nikzad The grand gathering of Iranians in Paris suburb on July 1st with 100,000 participants, recited the wish of millions of Iranians: regime change and a new democratic and free Iran. As Said Maryam Rajavi in her speech before more than 100,000 attendant from all over the world at the Iranian resistance annual rally in Paris. The Iranian resistance declares from the beginning that the struggle of the people of Iran for regime change is legitimate, righteous and imperative. We urge you to recognize this ‘resistance against oppression.’ The same notion that is stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in France’s Declaration of Human Rights and Citizens’ Rights. This has also been stated in the American Declaration of Independence where it says, ‘whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of’ the people’s rights, ‘it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute new Government’ of their liking.” Contrary to Iraq, Libya

U.S. Senators, Iranian Opposition Leader Maryam Rajavi Meet in Tirana

By Jubin Katiraie A senior delegation from the United States Senate met with Maryam Rajavi, in the Albanian capital, Tirana, on Saturday and discussed the situation of the members of Iranian opposition in Albania and the latest developments in Iran and the Middle East. U.S. Senators Roy Blunt of Missori, Vice President of the Republican Conference; the Majority Whip Senator John Cornyn, and Thom Tillis, a member of the Armed Services, Judiciary, Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs and Veterans’ Affairs committees were among the members of delegation. Senator Blunt who led the delegation initiated the meeting that was held at one the centers the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Tirana, the capital of Albania. The delegation congratulated the safe and secure relocation of former Camp Liberty residents to outside of Iraq and wished them success in their struggle for democracy and human rights in Iran. Senator Blunt, who had undertaken extensive efforts

How regime change in Iran will prevent a new war ?

 By Arash Nikzad Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of Iranian Resistance, We reiterate and emphasize that regime change and the establishment of freedom and people’s sovereignty, is solely the task and within the powers of the Iranian people and Resistance and no one else. Having relied on the suffering, struggle, and endurance of this movement and this alternative, today we are most confident in the victory and liberation of our homeland.” Also In her speech at the Paris rally, Mrs. Rajavi said, “We say that the struggle of the people of Iran for regime change is legitimate, righteous and imperative. We urge you to recognize this ‘resistance against oppression.’ The same notion that is stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in France’s Declaration of Human Rights and Citizens’ Rights. This has also been stated in the American Declaration of Independence where it says, ‘whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of’ the people’s rights, ‘it is the R

Iranian Regime and new sanctions

"Mother of All Sanctions" Deeply Concerning for Iranian Regime Iran Focus London, 10 Aug - Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has remained silent about the recent sanctions specifically targeting the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) that were ratified by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Donald Trump. President Hassan Rouhani, however, has stated, “…first, the Majlis (parliament) will take steps in this regard. If they have the Congress, we have the Majlis.” Meanwhile, talk of  regime change policy  and support for the Iranian opposition, represented in the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), is being heard. In a recent interview with state TV, Foad Izadi, a Tehran University assistant professor, said, “This is the mother of all sanctions. Based on the text, for example, the IRGC will be linked to the government as the government approves the defense budget. Thus, as this military entity is considered a terrorist organization, the government