Iran out of Syria

By Arash Nikzad

The complexity of the civil war in Syria is increased by the Iran’s direct military intervention and Its Leanness mercenaries and so called its partner. Because the Bashar Alassad army has no motivation to kill its own people to survive a dictator in power and save him from toppling by Syria people. Iran's military presence and its increasing influence in Syria is very dangerous for peace and stability in the whole region and It has its cultural and religious dimension, which adds to the complexity of civil war in Syria. So the world has to focus on defeating Iran revolutionary guard meddling in Syria and must focus on evacuating its forces from Syria.
In recent weeks, it has been evident that the Israeli intelligence services have become increasingly concerned over the Iranian Regime’s  revolutionary guards in  Syria and issued a new report from an Israeli intelligence analyst and remarked his concerns about it.

Ronen Salomon has been working on a project to trace the presence of Iranian IRGC forces in Syria and he has worked out that the Iranian Regime has been commanding fighters from Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Iran through Qasem Soleimani, the leader of its militant Qods Force, and supplying weapons and troops via air and sea transport.

The Qods Force is part of the Iranian Regime’s personal terror squad, the Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC); it works outside of Iran, while the IRGC works within.

Salomon said: "These are accompanied by 'interests sections' used by the Quds Force in aviation and transportation, such as Iran Air and Mahan Air, the ministries of Islamic culture and direction, science and technology, housing and commerce and trade.”

He continued: "This has been well-documented in the list of sanctions imposed on Iran both in the past and today. In addition, the Quds Force makes use of the Iranian Red Crescent on occasion both to insert Revolutionary Guard and intelligence ministry operatives and to transport shipment and military aid by air and by sea, as they have already done in Lebanon, Sudan, and Yemen."

The Iranian Regime also controls a fair amount of land surrounding the Damascus international airport, which allows them to import advanced weaponry and Shiite militias which are loyal to the Bashar Assad dictatorship under the guise of commercial shipments through their international shipping company, IRISL.

The flights take place at night to prevent satellite monitoring and Iran operates the assembly and unloading points, which back up recent reports that the Regime has started a missile manufacturing plant in Syria.

Roughly 21,000 fighters and 5,000 tons of weapons have entered Syria in this way.

The Iranian Regime’s activity spreads across four fronts; a command outpost in the Dumayr area, Shayrat airfield, T-4 airfield, and their main base in the Damascus international airport's area.

There are also eyewitness reports of increased construction of military complexes in northwestern Syria.

Salomon reveals that the Iranian Regime has tried to seize control of the Tanf border crossing between Syria and Iraq in order to connect the Iranian bases to their Iraqi counterparts and use those to gain control of the Deir ez-Zor province in eastern Syria. If they manage this, the Regime could easily transport more weapons, troops, and money to terrorist groups across the Middle East.


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