Iran out of Iraq ,now!

 By Arash Nikzad

When the United States accompany with coalition forces invaded Iraq 14 years ago to topple Saddam Hussein, it saw Iraq as a potential pass to a peaceful process to
a democratic government in the Middle East and a good example of democracy for the region but what happened after it and what is the real situation of newly born democracy in Iraq now.

Across the country,pro-Iranian militias are hard at work establishing a corridor to move men and guns to  Iran’s proxy forces in Syria and Lebanon. And in the halls of power in Baghdad, even the most senior Iraqi cabinet officials have been blessed, or bounced out, by Iran’s leadership.
Iran’s dominance over Iraq has heightened sectarian tensions within Iraq and around the region, with Sunni states, and American allies, like Saudi Arabia, mobilizing to oppose Iranian expansionism. But Iraq is not the only part of Iran’s expansion strategy; Iran has tried to extend its influence in Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Afghanistan, and throughout the region.
Iran as the only Shiite state, and Iraq, as a Shiite majority country have many social, religious. And cultural common interests.

At some border posts in the south, Iraqi sovereignty is forgotten by Iraqi border posts. Busloads of young militia recruits cross into Iran without a formal legal document check. They receive military training and are then flown to Syria, where they fight under the command of Iranian officers to kill innocent Syrians including children and women in defense of the Syrian president, Bashar al-Assad.
But Iran has tried to translate militia power into political power, much as it did its allies in Lebanon ( Hezbollah in Lebanon), and militia leaders have begun political organizing before next year’s parliamentary elections.

Passing in the other direction, Iranian merchants pump Iranian low-quality products like food, household goods, and illicit drugs— into the Iraqi thirsty market.
Politically, Iran has a large number of allies in Iraq’s Parliament and in the body of government who can help Iran to increase its influence day after day.
Partly in an effort to contain Iran, the United States has indicated that it will keep troops behind in Iraq after the battle against the Islamic State. American diplomats have worked to emphasize the government security forces’ role in the fighting, and to confront to the influence of Iran in Iraq.
Driving Iran out of the region, firstly, requires driving IRGC forces and its paramilitary forces out of the Iraq. It is a big challenge, perhaps the most important challenge which is  Iraqi leaders currently facing. Iran’s destabilizing role and bloody intervene in Iraq, is the most dangerous factors currently threatening the country’s politic stability.
Iran is posing a comprehensive challenge to the security and stability of Iraq. So the only solutions for saving Iraq from civil war and to start a new era in the evacuation of Iran  as Iraqi demonstrator chanting slogan several times across the country “ Iran go out and Baghdad will liberate and stay free


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