The deadly impasse of Iran's mullahs.

By Arash Nikzad

Iran president has replaced more than half of his previous ministers at the begging of his second term.
According to the news, data, speech, and remarks made by Iran’s  officials and analyst  about the new cabinet combination is appeared  to be that it has not been formed to respond to the country’s economic and social crises and problems, but, instead, to address the demands of regime’s rival bands, and the new cabinet formed to response the conservative faction demands to share themselves in new cabinet.  . Even regime’s own experts acknowledge that the current problems are too dangerous and serious to resolve through a cabinet reshuffle.
One of them said recently “we have no hope for the new cabinet”, adding “I believe that as long as we have an infected economy which is widely influenced by capital, it won’t be significantly affected by anyone. An efficient cabinet is the one with a strategy and plan, to save the economy from collapse.
 Another political expert of the regime declared that “economic depression is not a matter that can be resolved by merely replacing ministers. Likewise. The economic slowdown won’t be fixed by replacing the economy minister.”
Regarding the government’s budget deficit problem, experts are saying “when a ministry is not adequately funded, what the minister is capable of doing without the budget?”
An article published by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) says, “Another important obstacle is the deep, widespread corruption which has totally engulfed the regime. The dimensions of the corruption are so huge that even if the current budget is raised 10 or 100 times, it still won’t be able to fix any part of this economic mess. As a matter of fact, the country’s revenues from selling oil alone reached an incredible 700 billion dollars during Ahmadinejad’s two terms in office, surpassing the country’s total oil revenues ever since oil exploration and extraction began a century ago. Meanwhile, what Iranian people got out of these huge revenues was nothing but more deprivation and a deteriorated economic situation.”
In the Velayat-e-Faqih system, the issue is rooted in the nature of the regime, which bears little resemblance to Iranian society’s historical characteristics or the requirements of the current era. The regime uses the country’s facilities and wealth to preserve its own existence and maintains its security. Meeting its peoples’ needs and resolving problems are regarded as minor issues.


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