It's time to evacuate Iran from Iraq

By Arash Nikzad

 The time has come for Iraqi nationalist politician to emerge a new Iraq from the ash of 15 years wars and occupation without the influence of the Iranian regime and take its rightful place as a  progress and leading figure in the Arab world.
Iranian Regime exploited the political vacuum after second gulf war and seized power in Iraq following the 2003 invasion by the US, and destroyed what had made Iraq good during almost three decades.

“Iraq was known as a multi ethnic society where Arabs, Kurds, and Turkmens lived alongside and in mixed societies for centuries. Prior to Iran gaining its disastrous way across Mesopotamia, this was a land where the majority of Shiites lived and prospered with their Sunni, Christian, Yazidi and all other religious minority brothers.”
Now, Iraqi officials have held meetings with representatives from most Arab states, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, which signal changes to come.
The most important aspect of new policy in Iran came after the weakness of Iran as a result of new sanction which provokes Iraq for distancing o from Iran, as many Sunni states are heaving critical of the Shiite Regime.
Even Shiite progressive forces within Iraq are pleased with this new policy.  Iraq’s most senior Shiite cleric, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, has long distanced himself from Tehran’s viewpoints and called for Iraq to practice openness in establishing relations.
Iran has, however, described Iraq’s seeking of new relationships as a betrayal, following their 14-year investment in Iraq but it should be noted that Iran did not invest in Iraq out of the goodness of their heart but rather to control additional land in the Middle East as part of their destabilization efforts and its own strategic benefits such as an arc of influence from Tehran to Mediterranean sea.
 “[Iranian regime’s paramilitary forces ] have been accused of law violations and refusing to obey the state of Iraq. Iraqi authorities who affiliated to Iran have a very  bad record and  being involved in  financial corruption and sacrificing Iraqi national interest in Tehran’s favors.”
This became even more pronounced during the second term of former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki; Iran’s puppet ruler who had close ties with Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
So now, Iraq must focus on reconstructing their own country away from Iran’s destruction influence; a task which may require help from their from Iraqi nationalist politician within Iraq society and their allies in the Middle East.


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