How regime change in Iran will prevent a new war ?

 By Arash Nikzad

Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of Iranian Resistance, We reiterate and emphasize that regime change and the establishment of freedom and people’s sovereignty, is solely the task and within the powers of the Iranian people and Resistance and no one else. Having relied on the suffering, struggle, and endurance of this movement and this alternative, today we are most confident in the victory and liberation of our homeland.”
Also In her speech at the Paris rally, Mrs. Rajavi said, “We say that the struggle of the people of Iran for regime change is legitimate, righteous and imperative. We urge you to recognize this ‘resistance against oppression.’ The same notion that is stipulated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in France’s Declaration of Human Rights and Citizens’ Rights. This has also been stated in the American Declaration of Independence where it says, ‘whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of’ the people’s rights, ‘it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it and to institute new Government’ of their liking.”

Iran has a democratic, powerful, and organized opposition with the capacity of mobilizing and organizing the people of Iran for another uprising. The NCRI and the People’s Mujahedin of Iran (PMOI-MEK) have gained widespread popular support inside Iran and abroad.The NCRI’s democratic platform calls for a secular republic, gender equality, an end to capital punishment, rights of religious and ethnic minorities, and a non-nuclear Iran.

The right Iran policy is to Support for the NCRI is the correct policy on Iran, as it will prevent war in the Middle East.


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