
Showing posts from December, 2018

Iranian children paid the price of their ruler adventurism by starvation

Poverty is among the most important factors behind growing malnutrition amid Iranian children, leading to physical and mental inabilities. As poverty and malnutrition escalate among the Iranian populace, a large number of people – especially children – are suffering from illnesses due to lack of access to adequate amounts of food.

IRanian Regime corruption is the main obstacle of Iran's economy

The regime’s propaganda  in state TV and  media against new international sanctions is focused on health care and lack of essential drug at the market as a result of sanctions  and  regime pretended that it cares about the Iranian people’s health and lives. To clarify the issue, I just want to draw your attention to some figures and facts and see whether the problems of the Iranian people are rooted in economic sanctions or in the regime’s own destructive agendas.

An image of disintegration of Iranian dictatorial regime

By;Arash Nikzad The dispute over oil revenues is the core of political factionalism in Iran. The basis for systematic corruption in the Iranian economy is looting oil revenues. Iran's economic surplus is basically derived from oil. "Iran revolutionary guard corps      , which recalls itself as a pioneer in Islamic world is in the top of list for looting oil incomes. The controversy over the oil revenues in Iran is somehow an explanation of the power of the military factions. While the Islamic caliphate! On the path to systematic corruption, every day, it will be more unstable and fragile The history remembered us that the collapse of the Soviet Union had happened when the country was at the height of its military power and even in the world its legitimacy after the Vietnam War was even greater than the United States, but the system was systematically corrupt and could no longer innovate and persuade people. People became suspicious of this, and they collapsed. "

Iran:The murder of a father in charge of carrying a gallon of gasoline

A hardworking Baluchi father in southeast Iran, who put food on the table for his family by selling gasoline, was gunned down and murdered on Tuesday by members of the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). News of this incident broke out on social media, shedding light on only a small portion of the cruelty imposed on the Iranian people, especially the constantly oppressed Baluchi minority.

Iranian students solidarity with jailed workers

A large number of students at Tehran’s Amirkabir University of Technology held a  protesting  rally on Tuesday morning in solidarity with  jailed workers, and innocent  students and teachers who are currently held behind bars, in charge of demanding their unpaid wages!.

world condemns Iranian regime recent missile test

By: Arash Nikzad United States Secretary of State Pompeo said the Iranian regime has tested a mid-range ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Pompeo considered this act to be in violation of Security Council Resolution 2231.   Furthermore United States representive in United Nation condemn Iran’s provoker action and added: A recent US-Iranian ballistic missile test was dangerous, but unexpected, by US ambassador to the United Nations delegation to the UN on the ballistic missile test by the Iranian regime. The United States has repeatedly warned the world about the deliberate attempts by the Iranian regime to destabilize the Middle East and to defy international norms. The international community cannot close its eyes whenever the regime of the United Nations clearly disregards the Security Council resolutions. Two days after missile test      French, government declared that the launch of Iranian mid-range missile was a concern for Paris and condemning &q

Iran: Big bode's organ sales Market

Here’s a sight that has sadly become all too common in Iran: Handwritten notes on walls advertising body parts for sale, complete with blood type, health state, the age of seller and phone number to contact. This is how Iran’s poor are selling their own health to make ends meet. What makes the situation even more tragic that every day, more of the country’s youth join the ranks of body organ sellers. These are youth who are suffering from the corrupt policies of the ruling regime and resort to desperate measures such as selling kidney, livers, retina…

Iran: Strikes, protests spread across the country

A group of retired teachers from across Iran rallied in Iranian  capital,  on Sunday, protesting not receiving answers to their demands.  Despite,their gathering was held outside Rouhani’s office. Minibus drivers were rallying outside Tehran’s City Council building, protesting unjust fines imposed on their line of work.

Iran: Seventy percent of the population is under the poverty line.

In a cold, cloudy November morning in Tehran, a chill breeze sweeps the leaves in one of the main streets of Iranian capital Tehran, drawing the gazes of passersby to a  homeless man lying on a piece of cardboard beside the pavement. Seeing  such homeless people, street children, and drug addicts wandering and lying in the streets without a blanket  has now become a common scene in  several cities in Iran including Tehran.

Iranian regime spreads its terrorism to Iraq

The Iranian regime is dispatching  hit squads across Iraq in an initiative aiming to silence voices critical to Tehran’s  policy and meddling in Iraq internal affairs, especially inside the new government, according to British security officials speaking to various media outlets. Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) Quds Force chief Qassem Suleimani is reportedly ordering these hit squads, intending to intimidate Iraqis against Iranian regime meddling in Iraqi politics. The Quds Force hit squads were dispatched following the Iraqi parliamentary election in May when Tehran’s initiatives to realize a controlling influence over the incoming Iraqi government were thwarted by Tehran-backed candidates failing to win sufficient votes.

Iranian society is ready for a new round of uprising

Nowadays , we’re witnessing a multitude of crises throughout Iran. These different events are gradually joining one another  like the rings of a chain and becoming a very strong movement, a movement that can cause radical change. In a country that has been enchained in tyranny and poverty for almost  four decades, any of these crises can play the role of a spark on a powder keg.

Iranian regime on the powder keg barrel !

The efforts of Iranian regime so called  Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and mullah Hassan Rouhani to whitewash the regime’s fragile conditions and social crisis  are failing. Each day the deep rifts of the mullahs’ regime and major concerns of the status quo, specifically regarding a powder keg conditions of a society that is about to burst, are reminded over and again.