An image of disintegration of Iranian dictatorial regime

By;Arash Nikzad

The dispute over oil revenues is the core of political factionalism in Iran.

The basis for systematic corruption in the Iranian economy is looting oil revenues. Iran's economic surplus is basically derived from oil. "Iran revolutionary guard corps    , which recalls itself as a pioneer in
Islamic world is in the top of list for looting oil incomes. The controversy over the oil revenues in Iran is somehow an explanation of the power of the military factions. While the Islamic caliphate! On the path to systematic corruption, every day, it will be more unstable and fragile
The history remembered us that the collapse of the Soviet Union had happened when the country was at the height of its military power and even in the world its legitimacy after the Vietnam War was even greater than the United States, but the system was systematically corrupt and could no longer innovate and persuade people. People became suspicious of this, and they collapsed. "

 So in Iran "If the current government does such a thing, regime  situation will be even worse."
 Image result for economic collapse in iran


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