world condemns Iranian regime recent missile test

By: Arash Nikzad

United States Secretary of State Pompeo said the Iranian regime has tested a mid-range ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads. Pompeo considered this act to be in violation of Security Council Resolution 2231.
 Furthermore United States representive in United Nation condemn Iran’s provoker action and added:
A recent US-Iranian ballistic missile test was dangerous, but unexpected, by US ambassador to the United Nations delegation to the UN on the ballistic missile test by the Iranian regime. The United States has repeatedly warned the world about the deliberate attempts by the Iranian regime to destabilize the Middle East and to defy international norms. The international community cannot close its eyes whenever the regime of the United Nations clearly disregards the Security Council resolutions.
Two days after missile test    French, government declared that the launch of Iranian mid-range missile was a concern for Paris and condemning "this provocative and destructive act of stability."

Germany's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Eidarbar also announced that Berlin would condemn Tehran's intermediate missile test and wants to avoid such actions. He said such actions would increase tension in the region and Berlin invites Tehran to avoid such actions.

British Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt called the missile a "provocative, threatening and incompatible resolution", saying the UK is determined to stop Iran's missile ambitions.

Image result for Iranian missiles


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