
Exaggeration of the Iranian regime about its missile capability

According to the Iranian resistance, the clerical regime continues to conduct ballistic missile tests for missile launchers to continue its missile activity. Experts say that although they are concerned about the long-range ballistic missiles of the Iranian regime, experts say that the regime exaggerates its capabilities, reports Reuters news agency in a report claiming cruise missile regimes. Iran's Defense Minister said that with a range of 1300 kilometers, these cruise missiles are ready to fly in a short space of time in a short time.

EU initiates it's sanctions against Iran's Mullahs Terrorism

The EU has recently imposed its first round  of sanctions against the Iranian regime  terrorist activities in European soil, following the 2015 nuclear deal. Although considered largely symbolic, there are increasing concerns among senior Iranian regime officials over this sudden change in the Green Continent’s approach. Questions are being raised in Tehran over the message of such a move and possible scenarios for the future.

The Necessity of Recognizing the Right of the Iranian People for Resistance and Freedom

By;Arash Nikzad US Secretary of State Mike Pempo, , said in his speech  in Cairo the United States would no longer protect the   ruling clerics in Iran and "we joined the people of Iran who demand freedom and accountability" Thus, "the era of shame that the United States created for itself, as well as the era of policies that have caused such painful suffering, has come to an end." The foreign minister argued that as the United States complicit with enemies such as the mullahs, "they are moving forward and advance.”  Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the elected president of the National council of resistance of Iran, welcomed the US's new policy against Iran and added’’ the people and the Iranian resistance were the first victims of ruling mullahs in Iran, reaffirming the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction, human rights abuses, the issue of fundamentalism and terrorism, the four pillars of the ruling theocracy in Iran. A definitive solution to get rid of

A new round of sanctions against the Iranian regime by the European Union

By Arash Nikzad At the same time as the start of oil sanctions against the regime, Following the terrorist plots across Europe, European leaders, despite the criticism of re-imposing  by the government of the United States ... against the Islamic Republic of Iran, have embarked on potential sanctions against Iran's regime, Opening ... ". During a press conference on Friday, the National Council of Resistance of Iran issued a book entitled" Iran's (regime) terrorism and chaos ", which released eight terrorist plots (regime) in the year. 2018 refers to America and Europe ... (Alireza) Jafarzadeh, deputy representative of the Council (National Resistance), told reporters ... This sign is "absolute despair" of Tehran's government ... " Pointing out the Danish positions against the regime, after discovering the mullahs' terrorist plot in the country, Fox News added: "Foreign Minister Mike Pumpo ... said Wednesday that the United States

Iran;B‌‌lacklisting of Ministry of Intelligence and the Revolutionary Guards in the terrorist list is necessary to prevent Iran's regime terrorism in Europe.

Iran  have carried out terrorist acts since 1979 in Europe. European countries today sent a clear message  to the Iranian regime that  Iran's terrorism will not be tolerated.

Iranian children paid the price of their ruler adventurism by starvation

Poverty is among the most important factors behind growing malnutrition amid Iranian children, leading to physical and mental inabilities. As poverty and malnutrition escalate among the Iranian populace, a large number of people – especially children – are suffering from illnesses due to lack of access to adequate amounts of food.

IRanian Regime corruption is the main obstacle of Iran's economy

The regime’s propaganda  in state TV and  media against new international sanctions is focused on health care and lack of essential drug at the market as a result of sanctions  and  regime pretended that it cares about the Iranian people’s health and lives. To clarify the issue, I just want to draw your attention to some figures and facts and see whether the problems of the Iranian people are rooted in economic sanctions or in the regime’s own destructive agendas.