A new round of sanctions against the Iranian regime by the European Union

By Arash Nikzad
At the same time as the start of oil sanctions against the regime, Following the terrorist plots across Europe, European leaders, despite the criticism of re-imposing  by the government of the United States ... against the Islamic Republic of Iran, have embarked on potential sanctions against Iran's regime, Opening ... ".
During a press conference on Friday, the National Council of Resistance of Iran issued a book entitled" Iran's (regime) terrorism and chaos ", which released eight terrorist plots (regime) in the year. 2018 refers to America and Europe ...

(Alireza) Jafarzadeh, deputy representative of the Council (National Resistance), told reporters ... This sign is "absolute despair" of Tehran's government ... "
Pointing out the Danish positions against the regime, after discovering the mullahs' terrorist plot in the country, Fox News added: "Foreign Minister Mike Pumpo ... said Wednesday that the United States has given its support to European countries to stop such attempts to assassinate, he does...

The plot took place after a Iran-based diplomat based in Vienna in July (July 1977) was arrested for plotting a bombing in the annual Iranian dissident gathering ... in Paris, where Rudi Juliani's Tramp lawyer was present. ... In March, Albania officials arrested two Iranian officials for espionage at the ceremony of Nowruz (Iranians) in exile ...


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