The Necessity of Recognizing the Right of the Iranian People for Resistance and Freedom

By;Arash Nikzad

US Secretary of State Mike Pempo, , said in his speech  in Cairo the United States would no longer protect the   ruling clerics in Iran and "we joined the people of Iran who demand freedom and accountability"
Thus, "the era of shame that the United States created for itself, as well as the era of policies that have caused such painful suffering, has come to an end."
The foreign minister argued that as the United States complicit with enemies such as the mullahs, "they are moving forward and advance.”

 Mrs Maryam Rajavi, the elected president of the National council of resistance of Iran, welcomed the US's new policy against Iran and added’’ the people and the Iranian resistance were the first victims of ruling mullahs in Iran, reaffirming the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction, human rights abuses, the issue of fundamentalism and terrorism, the four pillars of the ruling theocracy in Iran.
A definitive solution to get rid of religious fascism is to change this illegitimate regime by Iran’ people and the resistance of Iran. Recognizing the National Council of Resistance, as the only democratic alternative to the religious and terrorist dictatorship, is to compensate the catastrophic appeasement policy over the past four decades. The world's record-breaking execution regime understands the only language of determination and power.


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