Why has Iran’s IRGC remained silent after united states new strategy ?

Why has Iran’s IRGC remained silent after recent attacks?

Revolutionary Guards chief Mohammad Ali Jafari
Revolutionary Guards chief Mohammad Ali Jafari
Analysis by PMOI/MEK

May 20, 2018 - There are a variety of different analysis on why the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has remained completely silent in the face of increasing against its forces and interests in Syria.
First of all, any recognition of Iranian bases being targeted in Syria, without the proper response in retaliation, would be considered as this entity’s military weakness. The current circumstances do not provide Tehran the flexibility it needs.
On the other hand, to this day the Iranian regime has yet to deny its positions being targeted in Syria. If Tehran denies accusations of launching rockets into the Golan Heights, it must provide explanations on a variety of reports raised about its bases being targeted in Syria.


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