
Showing posts from May, 2018

ّIran: Impacts of sanctions on economy

  After almost three weeks several foreign companies are currently pulling out of Iran or completely ending their activities in Iran and ending their cooperation     with Tehran.

Iran: Formation of Armed Units to Protect State Organs in Fear of Popular Uprisings

  Iran:In fear of the spread of uprisings and strikes in Iran, protection of government departments was handed over to armed forces.

Iran: children searching for food in garbage

In Iran, a country with a mythical wealth the children  seek food among the garbage .  

Iran: Call to international bodies to free detained strikers in Iran

Courageous strike of truck drivers in Iran entered its ninth day and the regime was not able to meet the drivers'  demands.

Iran: How US policy shift is impacting other countries

New US sanctions against the nuclear program and Iran's regime interventions in the region have a major impact on the economic relations of other countries with Iran. 5/29/2018 European countries cannot bypass US sanctions on Iran

Iran:impact of new united states sanction on financial support from terrorist groups by Iranian authorities

5/29/2018 New US sanctions have created a lot of problems for the Iranian regime to support terrorist groups in the region.

Iran: Establishment of protection units in executive agencies

With the rise of social protests in Iran and the onset of nationwide strikes, the Iranian  Armed Forces has been providing protection for state agencies and institutions.

Iran: Nationwide Strike By Truck Drivers Across the country Continues On Seventh Consecutive Day

The truck drivers have started a nationwide strike in protest to the fixed prices of fares, rising insurance prices, and worsening of their lives by imposed laws by the regime

Iran: stop crackdown by Government

In recent days there have been ongoing protests , nationwide stike with regards to the worsening of economic situation in country . Truck drivers and teachers are among those that have taken to the streets. the new rounds of protests  have undoubtedly been sparked by the uncertainty of the future with regards to the US economic sanctions and firm policy against Iran's destructive policy in the entire worlds.

Iran: We Need a Global Coalition Against Iran's destructive policies across the world

The modern and free world must be united against fundamentalism and adventurism of the Iranian regime. Experience has shown that with a single policy one can force the Iranian regime to retreat and change its  behavior.

ran : 233 popular protests just in one week

Activists across Iran are reporting a whopping number of 233 protests across the country from May 17th to the 23rd and beginning the  truck drivers nationwide strike

Iran:Key takeaways from the Kazerun protests

The Kazerun protests were a major turning point on the ongoing protests in Iran and people demanded the regime change as  the only solution

Iran: Anti-regime protests in Funeral Ceremony of a Popular Movie Star

The youth and people of Tehran at the funeral ceremony of the popular artist presented and chanted  slogan "Death to the dictator"

ّIran: A Shocking Report on Poverty and Child Renting in the Outskirts of Tehran

In ّIran which is  one of the richest countries across the world  in the world, people rent their children for begging

Iran: Protests and demonstration by Baluchi Fellow Citizens

Following the insult of a university professor, to the Baloch people in Iran students and Baloch people protest and called for the end of ethnic and religious discrimination in Iran.

Iran:Fifth Day of Nationwide Strike by Truck Drivers

Despite five days of strike by truck drivers in Iran, their only response to the regime has been crackdown and beatings by the police.

United States new policy to deter the Iranian regime

U.S. Secretary of State lays out plans to counter the Iranian regime’s malign behavior ARTICLES 5/21/2018 US Secretary of States, Mike Pompeo's remarks on Iran Report and analysis by PMOI/MEK May 21, 2018 -  In a speech to the Heritage Foundation, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo laid out the roadmap for the U.S. policy toward the Iranian regime after President Donald Trump ended the United States participation in the nuclear deal with Iran, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). “Two weeks ago, President Trump terminated the United States participation in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, more commonly known as the nuclear deal,” Pompeo said, stressing that the decision means the U.S. will no longer accept wealth creation for the heads of the Iranian regime of the launching of missile on neighboring countries or expansions of regional power at the expense of other countries.

Why has Iran’s IRGC remained silent after united states new strategy ?

Why has Iran’s IRGC remained silent after recent attacks? IRAN NEWS 5/20/2018 Revolutionary Guards chief Mohammad Ali Jafari Analysis by PMOI/MEK May 20, 2018  - There are a variety of different analysis on why the Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has remained completely silent in the face of increasing against its forces and interests in Syria. First of all, any recognition of Iranian bases being targeted in Syria, without the proper response in retaliation, would be considered as this entity’s military weakness. The current circumstances do not provide Tehran the flexibility it needs. On the other hand, to this day the Iranian regime has yet to deny its positions being targeted in Syria. If Tehran denies accusations of launching rockets into the Golan Heights, it must provide explanations on a variety of reports raised about its bases being targeted in Syria.

Iran: Failed attempts for attract Europe

The Iranian regime & its desperate search for Europe’s aid IRAN NEWS 5/21/2018 European countries pulling out of Iran Analysis by PMOI/MEK Iran, May 21, 2018 -  Only ten days after U.S. President Donald Trump announced his country’s exit from the Iran nuclear deal, a large number of major European companies are one after another pulling out of their business engagements with Tehran. This is sinking deep for the Iranian regime as its senior diplomats, including foreign minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, are seen going across the globe and throughout Europe in search of a life rope following the current developments in relation to the future of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Iran: IRGC destructive role in goods smuggling

Iran and the case of smuggled goods ARTICLES 5/25/2018 In Iran goods are smuggled from official routes Analysis by PMOI/MEK Iran, May 25, 2018 -  Head of Iran’s Customs Department claims no goods are smuggled into the country through official routes. “With the controlling measures placed into effect through a variety of systems, and the fact that we check all packaging and inspection documents at the source, there is no goods smuggled entering the country through official routes,” this official claimed, as cited by the semi-official ILNA news agency.

Iran: Crackdown and censorship Warmongering and exporting regional/international terrorism

Iranian regime concerned of intensifying U.S. policy ARTICLES 5/25/2018 The U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Analysis by PMOI/MEK May 25, 2018  -  U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s recent remarks on May 21 st  tracing Washington’s new policy and strategy vis-à-vis Iran has resulted in a wave of concerns in the mullahs’ ranks and files. The U.S. administration’s main focus in the Middle East, impacting the entire globe, is none other than the religious fascism and terrorist regime ruling Iran.

Iran: The painful situation of workers

Iran: No One Acknowledges the Concerns of Workers Published on  25 May 2018 . By Staff Writer “How do I spend millions of Tomans on my medication when I can’t even afford my food?” How much pension does a retiree even get, to have to spend 400000 to 500000 Toman ($95 to $120 ) on medications alone, just to “stand on own feet” and avoid paralysis? These are the concerns of a pensioner who would be dependent on a “wheelchair” if he doesn’t receive his injections in time.

Iran:The Explosive Conditions of Iran’s Society

The Explosive Conditions of Iran’s Society and Their Lack of Happiness Published on  26 May 2018 . By Staff Writer According to the World Happiness Reports undertaken by relevant international organisations, Iran is one of the unhappiest countries, which according to this year’s statistics (2018) ranks as the 108th in a total of 155 places. On the contrary, Finland has been titled happiest country this year (as opposed to Norway from last year). The exacerbation of economic inequality is one of the recognised causes of mental illness in Iran.


MARYAM RAJAVI: SIMULTANEOUS UPRISINGS IN VARIOUS PROVINCES BESPEAK OF IRANIAN PEOPLE’S RESOLVE TO OBTAIN FREEDOM Fellow compatriots, valiant young protesters, Simultaneous strikes and protests in various cities in the provinces of Kurdistan, Kermanshah, West Azerbaijan and the upheaval for the seventh consecutive day in Kazeroun, as well as the two-month protests of farmers in Isfahan and the rising of our Arab compatriots in Ahvaz and other cities of Khuzistan over the past weeks, once again bespeak of the readiness of Iranian society to expand the protests for the overthrow of the mullahs’ religious tyranny.

Iran: Truck drivere's Strike has so far covered 168 cities in 29 provinces across the country

The third day of Iran truck drivers' strike, and regime tactics’ failure against strikers Strike has so far covered 168 cities in 29 provinces across Iran NCRI’s statement 5/24/2018 National Council of Resistance of Iran Iran Uprising - No. 164 On Thursday, May 24th, the nationwide strike of truck and heavy vehicle drivers continued in different cities of the country for the third day. The strike has already spread to 168 cities in 29 provinces of the country, and the queues of trucks that have rejected to load goods are getting longer continuously. This is despite the fact that intelligence agents have been deterring them from engaging in strikes since the very first day in various ways, including sending threatening SMS messages on the drivers’ mobile phones, and summoning some of them to the branches of Intelligence Ministry in their cities. Tehran and provinces of East Azarbaijan, West Azarbaijan, Isfahan, Alborz, Ilam, Bushehr, Chaharmahal and Bakhtiari, So

Iran: Execution as an instrument for maintaining power

How the Iranian regime’s needs to continue executions IRAN NEWS 5/18/2018 Iran public execution Reported by PMOI/MEK Iran, May 18, 2018 -  In 2017 alone 507 individuals were executed across Iran. It has been 39 years since the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran has been in power. During this period the world has witnessed a long slate of developments. What has remained unchanged is the Iranian regime’s ongoing domestic crackdown, seen in the most vicious shape and form through the mullahs’ practice of horrendous executions.

Maryam Rajavi: True Message Of Islam Is The Peace And Freedom

Maryam Rajavi: True Message Of Islam Is The Peace And Freedom   1   66 Maryam Rajavi May 19, 2018  – In an Iftar conference held in France titled “Islam’s Message of Peace and Freedom,” the Iranian Resistance and representative from different Muslim communities and Arab countries expressed solidarity with the Iranian Resistance, and support for regime change in Iran and the end of Islamic fundamentalism in the Middle East and across the world.

ٔNew economic sanctions and Khamenei's remarks!

Iran nuclear deal: What is Khamenei demanding from European powers? ARTICLE 5/24/2018 Iran regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei Analysis by PMOI/MEK Iran, May 24, 2018  - Following the declaration of  U.S.’s withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal  by President Donald Trump and the outline of the  new U.S. policy toward the Iranian regime  by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Ali Khamenei, the supreme leader of the Iranian regime, laid out his conditions for staying in the nuclear deal. The terms, which he declared in a meeting with regime authorities and later published on his website, were aimed at European states. Having lost the support it enjoyed in the U.S. in the past years, the Iranian regime is now trying to protect its interests by pressurizing European countries, which have engaged in trade deals with Tehran after the signing of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), as the deal is formally known.

ًRegime change is the only solution in Iran

There Is No Alternative to Regime Change in Iran Published on  24 May 2018 . By Staff Writer International attention turned to Iran when US President Donald Trump announced that the United States was withdrawing from the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. He made an impassioned speech in which he pointed out that his decision was based on the security interests of his country. In recent months, and indeed since the nuclear deal negotiations were taking place, very little has been said by the international community with regards to the people of Iran who are the first victims of the Iranian regime.

The perspective of Iran's economy collapse

Us Sanctions Will Flatline Iranian Economy By Staff Writer Since Donald Trump pulled the US out of the 2015 nuclear deal, his administration has imposed more non-nuclear sanctions against the Iranian Regime in an effort to cut off funding for their covert nuclear weapons programme and their malign military campaign across the Middle East, before nuclear sanctions snap back later this year.

Poor people and poverty in Iran

Poverty in Iran: Striking numbers during Ramadan ARTICLE 5/24/2018 Poverty in Iran Reported by PMOI/MEK May 24, 2018  -  Despite promises made by Iranian regime officials of food prices not increasing during the month of Ramadan, the state-run ISNA news agency reported recently how people’s food baskets are becoming smaller by the day. Fundamental food items purchased more during Ramadan, such as proteins and dairy product, are also seeing price hikes despite large supplies across the country. Prices of chicken, rice, dates, tea, watermelon and … are on the rise and this phenomenon, in general, is causing concerns among the public. There are reports that people are no longer purchasing these goods, considering the fact that they literally don’t have the money.

Iran: Prosecutor General Announces Continuing Blocking of Social Media

Prosecutor General Announces Continuing Blocking of Social Media in Iran Published on  24 May 2018 . By Staff Writer The head of the Committee for Determining Criminal Web Content - Mohammad Jafar Montazeri – has said that there are no plans for the blocking of social media platform Twitter to be removed. Montazeri is also the Iranian Prosecutor General. According to Iranian media outlets, he advised that the blocking is an issue that goes beyond the remit of his committee.

Iran: Nationwide Truck Drivers Strike Continues for 2nd Day

Iran: Nationwide Truck Drivers Strike Continues for 2nd Day Iran Uprising – No. 163 On Wednesday, May 23,  Iranian truck and heavy vehicle drivers  continued their strike for the second day. The striking drivers continues to refuse to move their vehicles and load goods. The drivers began their strike on Tuesday in protest to the deterioration of their livelihood, low freight charges, high costs of logistic and vehicle stalls, and tariffs.

The Alternative” rally scheduled for June 30th in paris

“Free Iran 2018 / The Alternative” rally scheduled for June 30th RESISTANCE 5/21/2018 Free Iran Rally, June 30, 2018 Free Iran Rally in Paris, June 30, 2018 In circumstances that protests across Iran – continuing after the Dec/Jan uprising – are rattling the very pillars of the Iranian regime, and political developments in the Middle East and throughout the globe are placing further pressure on Tehran’s mullahs, Iranian exiles from across the globe are gathering in Paris once again for the annual Iranian Resistance gathering.

Truck drivers launch nationwide strike in Iran as a protest against economic circumstances

Iran protests: Truck drivers launch nationwide strike IRAN NEWS 5/22/2018 Iran nationwide truck drivers on Strike by PMOI/MEK reporter inside Iran May 22, 2018  - Following a previous call for a massive strike, truck drivers in various cities including Kariz Taybad, Bam, Arsanjan, Marvdasht, Kavar, Sabzevar, Isfahan, Zarrin Shahr, Bukan, Zarand Kerman, Garmeh, Gonabad, Nowshahr, Shahreza, Dehgolan, Torbat-e Heydariyeh, Torbat-e Jam, Baghmolk and Anzali launched a massive nationwide strike today.