ّIran's 39 years workbook!

A Look At Iran 39 Years Ago And At The Beginning Of New Persian Year

By: Abdolrahman Mahanadi, political writer and analyst
With its 40th anniversary on the horizon, the Iranian regime is faced with bitter political developments, both domestically and at an international level:
• An overwhelmed population who are determined to overthrow the ruling dictatorship.
• An organized resistance with such an elevated position in Iran’s society and the world alike.
• A regime totally isolated and despised by the international community.
It’s now 39 years that the ruling mullahs are devouring and swallowing people’s wealth, squandering it on making new lobby groups and establishing evil friendships here and there. They suppress their opponents and demonize them. They shed blood while laughing out loud and rejoicing in dance.
And still they’ve not had enough. They encroach on other countries near and far, become godfather of this and that and pit people against each other to dominate them, thus taking advantage of societies’ capacities to move forward with their expansionist policy.
They kept lying and cheating, deceiving and blackmailing, and attempted to take the world hostage over the past few years by developing a nuclear weapon.
But thanks to people and Resistance of Iran’s rightful struggles and their endurance, the situation has now started to turn in favor of Iranian people and against the mullahs, with regime’s inevitable end getting closer day after day.
Three months ago, Iranian people took the first step towards rising up for freedom, with their univocal voice being resonated not only in Iran, but across the world.
It’s no wonder that today’s international developments have taken a different direction, setting the alarm bells ringing for the terrorist Iranian regime. With people and Resistance of Iran determined to pull down Iran’s ruling regime and replace it with a national, popular, democratic and civilized one, the world will come out in support, knowing that a democratic alternative will be fully available.
In a recent meeting with the President-elect of Resistance of Iran ‘Maryam Rajavi’ in Albania, White House Adviser and former Mayor of New York ‘Rudy Giuliani’ offered strong support for NCRI and the Iranian people, while also carrying very good news for Iranians.
Giuliani revealed that John Bolton would soon be appointed as White House National Security Advisor. The news was confirmed and announced a few days later by the White House. Giuliani has recently stated that “Arabs and Iranians today have a common goal. While the money belonging to Iranian people keeps being spent over destroying Arab countries, Iranian people are protesting on the streets, since they see how their money is being squandered on destroying others.”
“This is a historical opportunity, seeing how Arabs and Iranians share the same goal which is overthrowing the ruling regime in Iran. Iranian people have explicitly declared that they want to topple Rouhani and Khamenei, and this unites the region towards that goal”, Giuliani added.
Just like spring water flowing out of the ground, Iranian people’s rightful struggle for freedom has also found its way out of obstacles, devastating the policy of appeasement with the Iranian regime. With the era of former US president ‘the appeaser’ Barack Obama over, the appeasement policy is now coming to an end, and the new developments in Trump’s administration should be considered as steps taken by the United States to side with People and Resistance of Iran.
Now everyone could see how the mullahs’ regime is frightened of these developments, while regime’s associates are hysterically reacting to appointment of John Bolton as the White House’s new National Security Advisor, as they know quite well that with Bolton in office, the White house will no longer be a place for dealing with mullahs or a center for providing them with secret aids.
Known for his tough stances against the mullahs’ regime in Iran, Bolton has repeatedly stated that “the Middle East has one problem and that is the regime ruling Iran.”
This point of view is also totally in line with President Trump’s announced strategy, particularly considering that the new US Foreign Secretary also shares the same viewpoint.
In addition to these developments, we should also take into account the tougher stance the Arab world has taken against the mullahs’ regime. Arab countries headed by Saudi Arabia are now moving in that direction, regarding Iranian regime’s survival and especially its attempts to develop a nuclear weapon as a threat for their own existence; a threat that is both serious and real.
Although the above developments have determined to a great extent the fate of Iran nuclear deal, aka JCPOA, but President Trump is supposed to make a final decision in this regard in less than two months. If the United States decides to pull out of the deal, this part of the world will enter a new stage, with sound of the bells alarming the end of the Iranian regime reaching new highs, as Europe’s consistency with the United States in this regard is quite predictable right now!
Does this mean a new war will be started in the region? Despite the claims made by the Iranian regime and its lobby groups, the answer is ‘absolutely not’.
Neither the United States nor People and Resistance of Iran will welcome such a war. But it would be a degraded level of analysis if we think that a new war will be started in the region.
It’s funny how those who point to appointment of John Bolton to scare others of a new war kept their mouths shut when Khomeni imposed a war on people of Iran and the region 39 years ago.
Actually, it was the mullahs’ regime that waged war 39 years ago against the world and the people of Iran in the first place. People and Resistance of Iran are now determined to put an end to this war by overthrowing the ruling regime and return stability and security to the region. So, this claim is basically devoid of any value and only serves to scare others of an imaginary war. History is full of experiences showing that wars have always been started by dictatorships.
There’s now an international consensus on the fact that the only way to get rid of the ‘ghost of war’ is putting an end to the regime in Tehran, and the only effective tool for delivering a major blow to the regime is to support the organized resistance of Iranian people.
Iranian people’s uprising is going on, constantly taking new dimensions as the protesters and rebel centers become more and more organized every day; a rubber-stamp on the strategy announced by Resistance of Iran.
Now it’s up to the Western and Arab governments to put the final nail on the coffin of vilayat-e-faqih dictatorship by recognizing the NCRI as a democratic alternative to the Iranian regime.


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