
Showing posts from April, 2018

Iran at the verge of explosion of people's anger

Regime's Authorities Acknowledge The Catastrophic Economic Crisis In The Country And Their Fear Of Explosion Of People's Anger Iran Uprising – No. 146 Concerns about the severity of the deadly economic crises and the fear of a storm that will destroy the integrity of the regime can be seen in many statements by regime officials at various levels, as well as Majlis representatives and government media these days. While revealing the betrayals and plunders of the rival gang, each faction blames and threatens the other. Eshagh Jahangiri, the regime’s first vice president, said: "The issue of Kazeroon should be resolved, people cannot come to the streets every day, and there are some people who are taking advantage of this issue to pursue their slogans. The issue of Yazd, Zayandehrood and Khuzestan is like the single exchange rate issue and these issues should not turn into a crisis and continue... We should not allow problems to become political, social and se

Iran and drought crisis

Iran Quickly Heading Towards Drought And Water Scarcity Published on  26 April 2018 . NCRI Staff NCRI - With Iran’s water scarcity already in a critical state, it’s quite likely that the crisis will get even worse in many parts of the country as the summer is getting closer, so much so that Rouhani’s government officials have now gone beyond speaking of water scarcity and are explicitly warning over a water stress the country is going to be faced with. Statistics, figures and projections According to Rouhani’s Energy Minister ‘Reza Ardakanian’, 334 cities across the country will be water-stressed this summer. With a total 35 million people, the cities account for nearly half the country’s population. “Based on our studies, 165 cities with a total population of 10.5 million are on a yellow level, 62 cities with 6.8 million are on an orange level, and 107 cities with 17.2 million will be on a red level. Overall, 334 cities will be water-stressed”, says Ardakanian. (St

New wave of uprisings in Iran

Clashes Between People And IRGC, Strikes And Protests Across Iran Published on  26 April 2018 . Iran Uprising - No. 145 On Tuesday night, April 24, the people of Marivan in the Kurdistan province clashed with the criminal Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). The clash took place when Pasdar-Colonel (IRGC colonel) Kaveh Kohneh-Poushi along with another Pasdar, Latif Nikpay, murdered an inhabitant from one of the villages of Marivan. The people burnt down the houses of the two criminals in protest of this crime. The anti-riot unit started attacking and beating these people in support of the two criminals. The clashes, which lasted for hours, continued up to the Bu'ali Hospital in Marivan. Padar-Colonel Kaveh Kohneh-Poushi is a criminal with a notorious background working for the repressive organs in Marivan. He is extremely hatred by the people of the area. In Baneh and Javanrood, the strike of the merchants and shopkeepers continued for the eleventh day. The intelligence

Abolish death penalty in Iran now!

Iran: Execution Of A Sports Coach In Hamadan Published on  18 April 2018 . The Iranian regime’s criminal judiciary hanged Bahman Varmazyar, a sports coach, in the central prison of Hamadan on Wednesday morning April 18. There was no private plaintiff in his dossier who was accused of armed robbery of a jewelry store. Following the efforts of Bahman’s family to save their son from execution, the mullahs’ regime falsely reported on Tuesday that his death sentence had been stopped, but he was executed on Wednesday early morning. Thousands of prisoners across the country are on death row. A Baluch prisoner named Abdul Malek Baluchi, at the central prison of Zahedan, was transferred to the solitary confinement on April 13 after serving six and a half years imprisonment, and is on the verge of execution. The mullahs’ regime is executing the youth of the country under the excuse of theft and smuggling at a time that Khamenei and other ruling mullahs from various factions an

The suppression of the legitimate demands of the Iranian workers by ّgovernment

Iranian Workers Suffering Regime's Naked Oppression Published on  18 April 2018 . NCRI Staff NCRI - No matter where they work, Iranian workers have to go through an oppression coming from every side in Iran under the rule of mullahs. Comparing the minimum wage, insurance plans, cost of treatment, labor law and many other issues in Iran and other countries could reveal the depth of injustice Iranian workers are subject to. Minimum wage Set at 1,114,140 tomans a month, the country’s minimum wage announced by Rouhani’s government is equivalent to $212, given that US dollar’s market price is currently 5,250 tomans. This means that Iranian workers are paid $1.1 an hour, which is far less than what workers earn elsewhere. A worker in Turkey, for example, earns at least $578 a month or $3.2 an hour, meaning a Turkish worker earns three times higher than his Iranian counterpart. In Beijing, China, workers earn $270 per month at a minimum, among the lowest in the wo

Why the next month is a tTurbulent Times For Iran Regime Published on 06 April 2018. NCRI Staff NCRI - The Iranian Regime is facing uncertain times. First off, Donald Trump is filling his cabinet with Iran hawks, like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, ahead of the US’s likely withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal (aka the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)) in May. Europe is supposed to be working on fixes to the nuclear deal to halt Trump’s withdrawal, which would cause the deal to collapse, but Iran seems unlikely to agree to these amendments, given how they reacted to French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian’s concerns about Iran's ballistic missile program and regional aggression. The US’s Financial Action Task Force has also placed a June ultimatum on Iran for changing its banking system and ending its financial ties to terrorist groups or Iran will remain on the blacklist – something that deters potential investors. This increases the chance that the JCPOA will be revoked and cause more financial problems. All in all, it’s clear that the US is ending its appeasement of the Iranian Regime and will convince other nations to do the same. Good. The Regime seemed to think that the JCPOA would let them do whatever they wanted (i.e. deploy militias into Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Lebanon, attack the Iranian people) without any blowback from the international community. Now, the rest of the world is responding with criticism. This led Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and other Iranian officials to threaten the West with ballistic missiles; something not in keeping with the spirit of the nuclear deal. In addition, the Iranian people – hurt badly by the economic problems - are calling for regime change with renewed vigour. The protest that swept the country in late December hasn’t died down and with the Regime intending to ban the Telegram messaging app that activists are using to communicate, it seems likely things will boil over again very soon. Human rights activist Heshmat Alavi wrote on Al Arabiya: “While international isolation creates mounting quandaries for Iran, domestic unrest has forever been Tehran’s ultimate concern. To add insult to injury, Iran’s ongoing protests and uprising is under the navigation of the opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). This coalition has for four decades been the main target of the Iranian regime’s onslaught.” The Regime has reacted violently, killing 50 protesters and imprisoning over 8,000. If the US and the West truly want to tackle the Iranian Regime, they should support the Iranian people’s uprising through sanctions against the Regime and offer a political alliance with the PMOI/MEK.urbulent Times For Iran Regime?

Turbulent Times For Iran Regime Published on  06 April 2018 . NCRI Staff NCRI - The Iranian Regime is facing uncertain times. First off, Donald Trump is filling his cabinet with Iran hawks, like Mike Pompeo and John Bolton, ahead of the US’s likely withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal (aka the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)) in May. Europe is supposed to be working on fixes to the nuclear deal to halt Trump’s withdrawal, which would cause the deal to collapse, but Iran seems unlikely to agree to these amendments, given how they reacted to French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian’s concerns about Iran's ballistic missile program and regional aggression. The US’s Financial Action Task Force has also placed a June ultimatum on Iran for changing its banking system and ending its financial ties to terrorist groups or Iran will remain on the blacklist – something that deters potential investors. This increases the chance that the JCPOA will be revoked

Why Iran's military facilities need international monitoring and investigating

Iran Regime's Nuclear Programme Needs Proper Investigations Published on  06 April 2018 . NCRI Staff NCRI - The fate of the Iran nuclear deal is on everyone’s minds right now, as the May deadline that Donald Trump set for fixing its flaws is coming up fast. One of these flaws is the lack of independent inspections that Iranian regime’s nuclear programme has been subject to since the deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), was signed. Under the terms of the deal, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) should be allowed to inspect any suspected location, including a military site, in Iran or under Iran’s control in other countries for nuclear activity that violates the deal. Why Iran's military facilities need investigating The Iranian military and their Revolutionary Guards Corps militia were heavily involved in Iran’s malign nuclear weapons programme. They even admitted as much when the Iranian Resistance first revealed their

Iran's brief news

Friday's Iran Mini Report - Apr. 06, 2018 Published on  06 April 2018 . • Iran’s Non-Oil Export Revenue $6 Billion Less Than Projected Chairman of Iran’s Trade Promotion Organization Mojtaba Khosrowtaj says Iran’s non-oil export between March 2017 and March 2018 has had a growth of 6.5 percent compared to previous year, but still non-oil export revenues lag behind the projected figure by $6 billion, reported official news agency IRNA on April 4.... The low volume of non-oil exports by Iran reflects the legacy of import substitution, a reliance on domestic markets, and the impact of sanctions. Source: Radio Farda. • Haley: ‘The Iran Nuclear Deal Was Designed to Be Too Big to Fail’ U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley slammed the Iran nuclear deal Thursday night by saying it was "designed to be too big to fail." Haley gave a lecture called "Confronting Today’s Global Governance Challenges" to an audience at Duke University, and she

ّIran's 39 years workbook!

A Look At Iran 39 Years Ago And At The Beginning Of New Persian Year Published on  06 April 2018 . By: Abdolrahman Mahanadi, political writer and analyst With its 40th anniversary on the horizon, the Iranian regime is faced with bitter political developments, both domestically and at an international level: • An overwhelmed population who are determined to overthrow the ruling dictatorship. • An organized resistance with such an elevated position in Iran’s society and the world alike. • A regime totally isolated and despised by the international community. It’s now 39 years that the ruling mullahs are devouring and swallowing people’s wealth, squandering it on making new lobby groups and establishing evil friendships here and there. They suppress their opponents and demonize them. They shed blood while laughing out loud and rejoicing in dance. And still they’ve not had enough. They encroach on other countries near and far, become godfather of this and that and

ّIranian workers protests against government

Protest Of The Dismissed Workers Of The Kesht-O Sanat Shomal Complex Published on  06 April 2018 . Iran Uprising – No. 130 Dismissed workers of the Kesht-o Sanat Shomal vegetable oil factories complex gathered in front of the governorate of Miandorud (Mazandaran province) on Wednesday, April 4th, in protest of their dismissal. The director of this company, which is a major financier affiliated to the regime, was trying to dismiss 150 workers last year, which failed due to protests by the workers. Recently and when the new Iranian year started, this company expelled 55 workers, with 13 to 21 years of work background, with no prospects for their re-employment. The Kesht-o Sanat Shomal vegetable oil factories complex, being the largest producer of liquid and vegetable oil, with 43 years of experience with a capacity of at least 1,000 workers and 750 tons of oil per day, was entrusted to government financiers in 2011under the guise of privatization. From then on, as a res