Massive Crackdown on the Peaceful Demonstrations in Iran

Date of report: January 9, 2018
Since December 28, 2017, when the protest against high prices began in Mashhad, northeast of Iran, and then spread throughout the country, at least 50 people were killed, more have been injured and several thousand have been arrested.

The Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has begun a house-to-house search in many smaller towns, arresting those identified in the protests, terrorizing the people and threatening them not to take part in any protests.
There are also reports of IRGC and agents of the Intelligence Ministry approaching former political prisoners, families of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), who are out of Iran, and anyone suspecting of being active, forcing them to make a written pledge not to take part in protests.
The Iranian regime’s officials have acknowledged that a large number of people have been arrested. The arrest of 2934 protesters has been confirmed either by Iranian officials or through the network of the PMOI/MEK. See attached a table of arrests. The true figures are much higher and could reach several thousand. A member of the regime’s parliament said 3700 people have been arrested (House of nations, 9 January 2018)

According to Amnesty International only on December 31, 2017 and January 1, 2018 some 423 detainees were registered in the notorious Evin prison in Tehran.

Amnesty International has warned that those arrested and detained in jails notorious for torture and other ill-treatment over the past seven days, with many being denied access to their families and lawyers, are at risk of torture.
Amnesty International stressed in its statement of January 4 that “The Iranian authorities have an appalling track record of carrying out mass arbitrary arrests of peaceful demonstrators. Given the alarming scale of the current wave of arrests, it is highly likely that many of those held are peaceful protesters who have been detained arbitrarily and now find themselves in prisons where conditions are dire and torture is a common tool to extract confessions and punish dissidents.”
“The Iranian authorities must ensure that anyone held solely for peacefully taking part in demonstrations, expressing support for them or criticizing the authorities is released immediately and unconditionally. All detainees should be protected from torture and other ill-treatment.”
Amnesty International further stated:
“Despite President Hassan Rouhani’s assurance on Sunday 31 December 2017 that protesters have the right to criticize the government, the authorities’ subsequent rhetoric has suggested they intend to respond to the unrest in an increasingly ruthless manner.
On 1 January, Judiciary Chief Sadegh Larijani demanded a “strong approach” from “all prosecutors”.
On 2 January, the Head of the Revolutionary Court in Tehran, Mousa Ghazanfar Abadi, warned that the Ministry of Interior had declared the protests illegal and that those who continued to engage in protests would face severe penalties. He threatened that the protest leaders and organizers could be charged with “enmity against God” (moharebeh), which is punishable by the death penalty, “as they are connected with foreign intelligence services and are implementing their agendas.”
The same day, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Sayed Ali Khamenei, accused the country’s “enemies” of stirring the protests.
On 3 January, Iran’s Minister of Information and Communication Technology, Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi, stated that the popular social messaging application Telegram would remain blocked unless it agreed to remove “terrorist content”.

The CEO of Telegram has said that it has refused the authorities’ request to shut down channels that peacefully promote and support the protests. The social media application Instagram also remains blocked. On 31 December Minister Jahromi had said that the blocking of access to Telegram and Instagram, which began that day, would be temporary.
The authorities’ aggressive rhetoric has been accompanied by state-sanctioned media outlets publishing a wanted list of protesters with their faces showing, and calling on members of the public to identify and report them to the authorities.
“The escalation in the intimidation of protesters and the grossly disproportionate restrictions imposed on the right to freedom of expression online over recent days heightens fears that the Iranian authorities may resort to increasingly heavy-handed tactics to crush dissenting voices,” said Philip Luther of the Amnesty International.
“Peaceful protest is a right, and many people in Iran want to exercise that right. Instead of opting for repression and absurdly accusing protesters of collusion in foreignorchestrated plots, the Iranian authorities should address their own record of failure to respect a range of civil, political, economic and social rights.”

Iran Uprising – Since December 2017
Iranian regime’s officials engaged in suppressive measures
7 January 2018
Seyyed Ali Hosseini Khamenei
Supreme Leader (vali-e faqih) of the clerical regime

1. He was appointed as the Supreme Leader on 4 June 1989.
He is the ultimate power in Iran.
2. He controls all three branches of power.
3. He is in full command of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) that is responsible for maintaining power and operates above the country’s army. IRGC is responsible for suppression inside Iran.

4. He has been responsible for all violations of human rights, suppression and repression, execution of dozens of thousands of people since the formation of the religious dictatorship in Iran. As the President of the regime, he was involved in massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988. He has been in charge of suppression of uprisings and killing defenceless people in 1991, 1995, 1999, 2009 and 2017.
5. He is the main authority in export of terrorism, meddling in other countries and warmongering in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Afghanistan, which have led to the deaths and injuries of millions of people. Quds force of the IRGC that is tasked to meddle in other countries and the region is under direct command of Khamenei.
6. He has played a key role in authorizing extraterritorial activities and assassination of Iranian and non-Iranian opponents of the regime abroad. These activities have taken the lives of hundreds so far and it is still continuing to date.
7. He directly controls all propaganda and activities to spread Islamic fundamentalism and formed dozens of organizations to spread the ideology of hatred and violence across the world. These propaganda activities and reaction to them have given the cause for creation of movements such as Alqaida and Daesh which are threatening the world peace and security.
8. He is in full control of nuclear and missile programs.
9. He controls the country’s economy through dozens of so-called private companies linked to his office or affiliated to the IRGC. More than 51 percent of net national income is under his control leading to widespread poverty and deprivation of millions of Iranians that has sparked the nationwide discontent and uprising.

Hassan Rouhani
President and the head of Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) 

1. As the president of Supreme National Security Council (SNSC), he plays a key role in all measures to crackdown on the current uprising started on December 28, 2017. All suppressive bodies including the IRGC, State Security Force, Ministry of Intelligence and Security, and the IRGC Intelligence are members of the SNSC. On December 31, 2017, he threatened the demonstrators with greater suppression. He tried deceitfully to pretend that he wanted to protect the people’s economic rights. After four days of nationwide protests several people were reported killed and dozens arrested.
2. He has always been a key figure within the regime since its inception in 1979. He has played important roles in all suppressive and terrorist activities of the regime. From 1989 to 2005 as the Secretary of Supreme National Security Council and the representative of Khamenei in this body, he played a decision making role in all suppressive measures during the Qazvin uprising in 1991, uprising in Islamshahr in 1995, student uprising in 1999 and hundreds of terrorist operations inside the country such as the chain murders, outside Iran such as the assassination of Dr. Kazem Rajavi in Switerzerland, Khobar bombing in Saudi Arabia, and production of weapons of mass destruction like nuclear weapons.
3. From 2005 to 2013, as the representative of Khamenei in SNSC, and from 2013 to date as the president and the head of SNSC, he has been a decision making figure in suppressive measures including the uprising in 2009 that followed the shame presidential elections and terrorist meddling and warmongering by IRGC in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon, Afghanistan and others.
4. He has a long track record of brazen statements against people’s basic rights and freedoms in defence of the clerical dictatorship. In July 1980 he suggested: “It would be better if the seditionists (reference to protesters) are brought to Friday prayers ceremony and hanged before the eyes of the prayers in order to have a better impact.” Following the crackdown of student uprising in July 1999, he said: “They are far cheaper than that to be described as a movement to bring down the state… if it were not for the authorities’ objection, our people, and young Muslim and revolutionaries would have dealt with these thugs with the harshest manner.” On 29 December, speaking on the occasion of marking the anniversary of suppression the 2009 uprising, he described the day as “the day of Iranian people’s defence of the Prophet’s family, the state, the velayat-e faqih rule and its Supreme Leader.”

Mohammad Sadeq Larijani Amoli
Head of Judiciary
Head of Judiciary since 2009. He has played a key role in issuing death sentences, authorizing torture and mass killings of people.
In a meeting with judicial officials on 1st January 2018 he called for “firmness” in dealing with protesters. He authorized repressive forces to attack and arrest protesters who have been on streets since Thursday, December 28, 2017.

Major General Mohammad-Ali Jaafari
Commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC)
He is also Commander of Tehran’s Sarollah Garrison, General Command of all suppressive measures in Tehran.

On January 3 he admitted to the IRGC involvement in suppression of popular uprising although he attempted to minimize the scale of involvement by saying that “IRGC only intervened in three provinces, Isfahan, Lorestan and Hamedan in a limited scale.”2

Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani
Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council of Iran (SNSCI)
A veteran commander of the IRGC.
SNSCI is the highest decision making authority in military and security affairs. Emergency meetings to deal with suppression of the uprising since December 28 have been intervened under his supervision. He attributed the protests across Iran to foreign powers instigations in an interview with Al-Mayadeen TV of the Lebanese Hezbollah on January 2.

Hossein Ashtari
Commander of the State Security Forces (SSF) since early 2015
He is responsible for the security of the country. Forces under his command have been engaged in suppressive measures against protests in the past week and have arrested more than 1400 protesters and killed at least 30 others. Since the start of uprising he has made number of statements including the one on January 2 giving order to all security commanders in provinces and cities to crackdown protesters.

Mohammad Montazeri
General Prosecutor and the head of Special Court for Clergy
He has a long record in the judiciary and being involved in issuing death sentences. He was appointed as the General Prosecutor by Mohammad Sadeq Larijani Amoli on April 3, 2016. He has authorized attacks and arrest of demonstrators in recent days and called for harsh measures. He also called for internet access to be disrupted.

Abbas Jaafari Dowlat Abadi
Tehran Prosecutor
He has been Tehran’s Prosecutor since September 2009. Hundreds of people have been arrested in Tehran province upon his orders and incarcerated in ward 209 of Evin prison, where political prisoners are held and subjected to torture. In a statement regarding recent popular protests he referred to arrest of number of demonstrators and said: “Activities threatening security are not considered as ordinary crimes, therefore the need to be dealt with immediately and decisively by the Judiciary.”5

Mohamma Javad Azari Jahromi
Minister of Communication and Information Technology
He is a veteran member of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security and was the head of Technical Directorate for a long time. He played a serious role in controlling communications, telephone and internet lines during the uprising in 2009 that led to the arrest of several hundreds of opponents. He ordered the closure of some social networks and slow down of the internet and telephone lines in recent days. In an interview on January 3 he underlined the decision to close down the Telegraph network.

IRGC Brigadier General Ali Fateh
Commander of the IRGC Cyber Security
He has been serving at this post since February 2015. The section under his command is responsible for all security controls of internet lines and during the 2009 uprising played an important role in suppression of protesters and their arrests. Gerdab website is one of its subsidiary sites. During recent nationwide protests it ordered the control of social networks. The statement of Public Relations of the Cyber Security Command emphasized: “Identify rioters and if you have any information about people whose photos appear below or any other information including photos, films, reports, emails, internet address or complaints regarding groups causing riots, forward them to us through Gerdab website.”
IRGC Brigadier General Mohammad Esmail Kosari
A Commander of Sarollah Garrison in Tehran
He is a veteran IRGC commander and is currently deputy head of Tehran’s Sarollah Garrison. The Garrison is part of IRGC and commands suppressive operations in Tehran province controlling all the military, police and intelligence forces in capital. He was also acting in the same command post after the 2009 uprising in charge of suppression in Tehran province. During the past few days he threatened the protesters several times including the one on January 2.
Brigadier General Gholamreza Soleimani
IRGC Commander of Isphahan province
IRGC in Isphahan is also known as Saheb al-Zaman Corps. It has been responsible for suppression of recent days’ protests in the province and wounding and killings of dozens in towns of Qahdarijan, Shahin-Shahr, Homayoun-Shahr and Jouy-Shahr.

Hassan Rahimi
Isphahan province General and Revolutionary Prosecutor
He has authorized attacks on protesters and their arrests in Isphahan province and is responsible for killing and wounding of dozens in the province. Commenting on recent days protests he said: “People must know that any involvement in these gatherings are considered as crimes and will be dealt with firmly.”

Lieutenant Brigadier Morteza Kashkouli
IRGC Commander of Lorestan province
He has been serving at this post since 2015. IRGC in this province is also known as Abolfazl Corps. His forces have been involved in crackdown of people’s protests in recent days, especially in Doroud where number of protesters have been killed.

Lieutenant Brigadier Mazaher Majidi
IRGC Commander of Hamedan province

The IRGC in this province is also known as Ansar al-Hossein Corps. His forces in recent days have been engaged in suppression of protesters in the province and killing of demonstrators in cities of Toyserkan and Hamedan.

IRGC Brigadier General Hassan Shahvarpoor
IRCG Commander in Khuzestan province
He has been the commander of IRGC in the province since 2009.
IRGC in the province is also known as 7th Corps of Vali-e Asr. During the ten days of the uprising in Khuzestan province several protesters were killed in Izeh, Dezful and Masjid Soleiman by IRGC and State Security Force and hundreds arrested. IRGC forces under his command are responsible for crackdown on protesters across the province.
Iranian officials’ quotes on suppression of the uprising 
Maj. Gen. Jafari, commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps )IRGC) said: "Now we can say that it is the end of 2017’s sedition (reference to popular uprising). 
Jafari stressed that many of the rioters who were at the centre of sedition were all trained counter-revolutionaries and monafeqin (a derogatory term used by the regime to refer to the PMOI/MEK) who were arrested and will be dealt with severely.
He added: "The enemies quickly got into cyberspace and came to the scene for sedition ... while simultaneously with 3,000 people, began new networking.
The Revolutionary Guards commander added that the lack of control over cyberspace, which is managed overseas, and the lack of authority in controlling this space, also aggravated the turmoil, but when cyberspace was controlled, sedition diminished.
He emphasized: "If security was not prepared in this situation, the intensity of this sedition would have been much wider than this and, on the other hand, the conditions of cyberspace were in no way appropriate and in some cases, because of their own interests and neglecting the warnings, the opportunity to control the cyberspace was lost.
Jafari stressed that killing was one of the main aims of seditionists and their masters in the recent turmoil and they wanted to kill children and women seriously and purposefully, and blame the Islamic Republic of Iran for it.
Jafari said that our security preparedness caused the enemy to experience a new defeat because, if our situation was like Egypt, Tunisia and Libya, then the Islamic Republic of Iran would have experienced irreparable losses.

Fars News Agency
Attorney General Mohammad Ja'far Montazeri, emphasizing the decisive approach of the judiciary with the rioters of recent days, said: "People need to know that the cyberspace is harmful to the country and families and should be managed".

ISNA News Agency

Lt. Col. Ismail Kowsari, deputy commander of Sarallah headquarters, warned: "We will not allow Tehran's insecurity to continue, and if these conditions continue, they will definitely take decisions. At that time, everything (the uprising) will end."
[Note: Sarallah headquarters is part of the security apparatus of (IRGC), under the direct supervision of its commander; Jafari, and its primary responsibility is to provide security for Iran's capital.]

MEHR News Agency
Esmail Jabbarzadeh, Interior Minister’s political deputy: “In times of disturbances against public order, making some social networks inaccessible can be used as means of short term control.”

ISNA News Agency
According to information provided by an informed security source, the head of the “Popular Alliance and Protest” campaign in Kerman province was arrested.
He said the head of the "Popular Alliance and Protest" campaign in Kerman province, which has been able to attract a number of citizens, was identified by the Feta Police (Iranian Cybercrime Police.)
The Public Prosecutor and Revolutionary Prosecutor assigned Sarallah headquarters to identify the channel administrators, channel creator, and active members of the group, and in less than 24 hours all of them who were engaged in calling people to join the uprising were arrested in a number of cities.
The security source added that, according to the judicial authority's order, all members of the group who have participated in some way in illegal activities or promote illegal behavior will be identified and summoned and prosecuted.
Resalat Newspaper
Attorney General of the country: We will not compromise in dealing with seditionists
Attorney General; Montazeri: Those who create insecurity in the community should know that they will be dealt with decisively, our prosecutors around the country will be present at the scene day and night and will be vigilant and will work alongside the security and intelligence agencies and the law enforcement agencies. The rioters and the behind-the-scenes factors should know that neither the judiciary nor the security and intelligence agencies will compromise in this situation.
Ebrahim Raisi: Member of the Expediency Council
“The nation, the government and those who are compassionate about the Islamic regime and the Islamic revolution with any tendency do not tolerate even a moment of insecurity, and they will never allow rioting. ”

MEHR News Agency 

Isfahan - Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Isfahan reported the capture of the leaders of the disturbances in Isfahan province and said: “Judicial file has been formed for these people.”
Referring to recent riots in Isfahan province and other provinces around the country Hassan Rahimi, told reporters in a statement to the recent riots in Isfahan province and other that the judiciary will deal decisively with those involved in public disorder.
He added: "People should know that any participation in these gatherings is a crime and will be dealt with accordingly."
The General and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Isfahan stated: "Parents should be more careful about their children's behavior so that they do not become involved in the perpetrators of these upheavals.
Referring to the arrest of the leaders of protesters in Isfahan province said: "For these people, judicial file will be formed for these people and they will be punished. He said the arrest of these people in the province continues.

MEHR News Agency
Interior Minister Abdul Reza Rahmani Fazli, while referring to protesters as “Riot Spreaders” said they will be dealt with rigorously. Those who attempt to destroy public buildings must be answerable for their behavior and pay the cost.
Rahmani Fazli said those who exploited cyberspace and used it to eliminate security, militancy, lawbreaking and destruction of property, have shown that using this facility is an excuse, they are seeking violence and horror and we will definitely deal with this kind of behavior.

Radio Farda
Ayatollah Sadegh Larijani, the head of the judiciary, according to the official IRNA news agency ordered the prosecutors to deal “seriously” with those people whom he called “turbulent and agitated”.

The head of the judiciary ordered prosecutors around the country to” deal with cases of destruction of public and private properties, and the violation of the rights of individuals, in a serious and decisive manner" he said.
Some 400 protesters have been arrested in some of Iran's cities, according to reports. Officials in some Iranian provinces have also reported the arrest of a number of protesters, but they have not reported any statistics.
Commander of the State Police Force (Naja), Hossein Ashtari, said: "In the past few days, individual gatherings with economic and livelihoods requests were formed, but immediately anti-revolutionary groups mounted on the wave of protests and exploited this situation.
There were several nights of riots. In the following days, most of the people present at the gatherings were those who intended to carry out illegal moves in pursuit of the goals of foreign countries. The law enforcement and security forces entered well and managed to harness counter-revolutionary groups. In the next few days, it seems that the formation of these protests is most unlikely.
The police commander added that more than 70 percent of those arrested at recent gatherings were arrested by special police. 

ISNA News Agency
Hossein Ashtari, Commander of the State Police Force (Naja), has sent all provincial and provincial police commanders a directive in the wake of recent events in the country to deal with those who disturb the public order and security and rioters.
He said: “All cities and provincial police commanders have been instructed, while keeping alertness and restraint, with intelligence combined with full authority, they have to while monitoring the situation, take immediate control of virtual and on the ground spaces.
Ashtari continued: "lotters and those who infringe the public order should not be allowed in these areas, and the police must deal with the perpetrators."
Ashtari also said that care should be taken on the killer scenarios (killing someone and blaming others for it) in recent events that are part of the enemy's strategy. Ashtari added that most of the arrestees did not have livelihood concerns, and their leaders and key elements have been referred to the judiciary. 

IRNA News Agency
Azari Jahromi, Minister of Communications and Information Technology: Following the cabinet meeting about the filtering of social networks and the time when these restrictions will be lifted, said: at a meeting of the Security Council the "blockade of the telegram" was discussed and "it was decided that the activities of these networks should now be stopped so as to prevent the counter-revolutionaries misuse against the country's peace". But this is a temporary blockade. In order to respect the demands of our people we have asked the Telegram Director to filter these channels.

ILNA News Agency
Ali Asghar Nasser Bakht (deputy security officer of Tehran's governorate) announced the arrest of about 200 people in yesterday's gatherings in the Revolution and Vali-e Asr districts.
Tehran's Provincial Police Deputy Director General said the total number of leaders (of protests) arrested in the illegal rally yesterday was about 40, adding that, the situation is under control now. In spite of all the propaganda, there is absolutely no economic requests in the demands of the constituents and it is more due to the excitement caused to the young people from abroad. 

ILNA News Agency
An informed source in a conversation with ILNA reporter about the events in Takestan (Qazvin province) on the night of December 31 in Takestan, said: "A number of people, despite the fact that no permit was issued for the rally, took to the streets of the city to express their objections to the livelihood and cost of some commodities, but a group of rioters got into these people and caused disturbances.
He said the agents arrested some of these violators and referred them to the judicial authorities.

The head of the local Justice branch of Alborz Province reported the arrest of a number of rioters in the province and said:" These people were under the influence of foreigners’ propaganda on virtual networks and became excited. 

FARS News Agency

Cyber Security Command; Public Relations Announcement: Identify Aggressors
The Fars News Agency: "Public Relations Officer Communication for Cybersecurity: Identify rioters, if you have any information about their identity, whereabouts or any particulars of the owners of the following photos or any news and information including photo, video, news, email, and URL or want to raise a complaint against the current of rioters you can go through GERDAB website.” 

ISNA News Agency
Tehran's Attorney General Abbas Jafari Dolatabadi announced the arrest of a number of those who attacked public places. He called on the judges to be on full alert and work with full readiness and in cooperation with the police to pursue decisive prosecution of the arrestees.
Tehran's prosecutor called on the judges of Tehran's Public
Prosecutor's Office, and especially the Mashhad Court of Justice, to resolutely and decisively investigate the crimes of those arrested. He added since Trump (President Trump) has personally come to the scene saber rattling, or says that he is in agreement with the Zionist regime (Israel) on Iran, we should expect such incidents. He stressed that anti-security activities are not among ordinary crimes, and therefore urgent and swift handling of the cases by the judiciary is essential.


Abbas Ghasemi, Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Arak (capital of Markazi province), pointed to some recent disturbances in Arak, saying there is no problem at the provincial level and the situation in Arak is under control. He added: As the honorable chairman of the judiciary has emphasized on decisive response to those who damage public properties, our province is fully prepared to deal with any breach of law.
The Arak prosecutor announced the arrest of those who had led these disturbances.

VOA website (Persian) 

Along with the spread of protest rallies in various Iranian cities, security officials and Friday prayers imams voiced concern over the gatherings. On Friday, December 29th, Friday prayer imam in Tehran called for prevention of the gatherings and to do so he called for closing down the Internet. At the same time, Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps, on the eve of the anniversary of December 9th, 2009 and the rally by government supporters on this day, claimed in a statement that some are in the quest for a new sedition. This military institution, which played a major role in suppressing protesters in 2009 uprising, is referring to "a new intrigue".

AFTAB Website
Hussein Zolfaghari; Deputy Interior Minister on Security Affairs: More than 90% of those arrested on the scene of these unrests are young and adolescents whose average age is under 25, and many of them have no previous history of arrest and detention.
According to the ILNA reporter, Zolfaghari said, "We will control the situation in the capital and a number of cities in which there were more riots.
"According to the security checks we have had since the last month, the composition of the gatherings and their type have changed. All the security institutions that have been monitoring the situation have confirmed that the slogans and approach of the participants in these rallies had seriously changed since the last month, and this is what we have to reflect on.”
Referring to the protest rallies held by some of the unauthorized financial and credit institutions in recent months, he said: “For example, depositors of the Caspian Financial Institute, 98 percent of whom have received their deposits, instead of ending their protests they have intensified it.”
Governor of Markazi province announced the arrest of 100 protesters who were involved in causing damage to properties in Arak, adding; any illegal gathering will be dealt with decisively.

Seyyed Ali Aghazadeh, governor of Markazi province; "those who gather and march without permission would be confronted with legal and violent reaction by the law enforcement officials and in accordance with the resolution of the country’s Security Council.
He noted that last night we arrested more than 100 people who had participated in these destructions, and we think that in the next few days, with the information we got and the surveillance cameras, more and more attackers will be identified and arrested.
Aghazadeh continued, "These moves have come about from the counter-revolutionaries, and some of them have been identified, and their phone calls have been traced and their names are being identified.
He added: "I urge all fellow citizens to maintain their own intelligence and be sure to deal with those who have done these unlawful and very violent actions. 

TASNIM News Agency
Deputy Governor of West Azerbaijan: 10 people were arrested in Urumiyeh for provoking people to unrest.
Alireza Radfar, in an interview with Tansim's correspondent in Urumiyeh, referring to last night’s gathering in the city centre said 10 people who were trying to encourage others to unrest were arrested, and those who are trying to find reasons to encourage people to breach the norms will be dealt with by law.

Rahe-Dana network
Identification and arrest of 90% of leaders of recent sedition in Assadabad (Hamedan province).
An informed intelligence source in Assadabad announced the identification and arrest of 90% of the main sources of sedition in the city.

According to the Rahe-Dana network, following an unlawful gathering on the night of Sunday this week (31/12/20117), a number of key elements in provoking the formation of the gathering were identified and arrested by the IRGC. 


The man who assaulted the Islamic Republic of Iran’s’ flag was arrested.
Commander Saeed Montazeri-al-Mahdi, a spokesman for the police force (NAJA), announced the news about arrest of he in recent insecurities, saying that following the release of a film about insulting the flag of the Islamic Republic of Iran and breaking it, the issue was pursued by the security police of NAJA’s security personnel the man was tracked and arrested.

ILNA News Agency
Colonel Abdullah Zadeh Pashaki, Police Chief of Robat Karim: Last night 10 people were arrested, with 3 women and 7 men, some of whom were leaders of last nights in Parand.
The police commander of Robat Karim also announced the arrest of a person with the identity of "R.H" who through the Instagram social network had called on people to join protests in Robat Karim. 

ILNA News Agency
Ali Asghar Nasser Bakht, the political security assistant in Tehran's governorate, said that about 200 people on Dec 30th, about 150 people on Dec 31st and about 100 people were arrested on Jan 1st.


Taher Khani, representative of Takestan in Majlis: about 50 people whom with evil intentions were engaged in disturbances in this city have been arrested and they should be punished according to their crimes.

ROKNA News and Information Centre
Mohammad Reza Aslani, referring to the arrest of public order violators in the city, said: last night, 4 people who were disturbing public order and also provoking others to join the disturbances in the city of Azadshahr were arrested.
The commander of the security forces in the city of Azadshahr added: "The intelligence and security forces who were monitoring the situation, realized that there some individuals in Azadshahr who provoke others, they immediately decided to act.
Aslani added: Our patrols were able to identify and arrest four people, and police will deal with any kind of turmoil that will offend the Islamic Republic and the public security system.

FARS News Agency
Police forces in Hamedan province today arrested 3 of leaders of disturbances.

According to the Fars News Agency of Hamadan, some sporadic gatherings were held by the rioters near Avicenna Shrine, where the presence of police forces prevented them from moving.
About 200 people gathered in the area where police arrested three of the leaders of the rally. 

MIZAN News Agency

Referring to a decisive strike against the rioters and disrupters of public order and public security, Aghajari, the Public and Revolutionary prosecutor of Pardis, said: "We deal with any unlawful gatherings and do not compromise on this." An illegal gathering in Pardis was neutralized by the security, intelligence and judicial forces.
He added that in this regard, 25 people were arrested and a large number of individuals and main instigators were identified, and a judicial order was issued for their arrest.
He warned the disturbers of the public order that they would be dealt with aggressively and without any compliments.

Nasser Atabati, Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor of Ardebil province said 3 people were arrested in Ardebil. He said that those who, in spite of police and judicial warnings, made mindless insulting slogans and disturbing acts, will be dealt with according to the rules and regulations, and the necessary judicial procedures. The public prosecutor and revolutionary center of Ardabil province said that about 40 people were arrested at the gatherings. A total of 15 of these arrestees who were instigators of lawlessness and actions against peace and security have been detained.
He stated that in subsequent investigations, the association of some of the arrested people with the enemies and group of the hypocrites (PMOI/MEK) was clear. Three members of the anti-revolutionary group were arrested by IRGC forces in Ardebil.
The Public Prosecutor and the Ardebil provincial capital's Revolutionary Tribunal stated: The judiciary, the law enforcement system and security authorities consider their religious and legal obligations to maintain order and security, because this is one of the red lines of our society. With the necessary coordination with the relevant agencies, a decisive approach will be adopted towards those who breach public order and security.

FARARO News Website
Reports from Isfahan: 9 people killed and 100 arrested According to reports from the State TV & Radio, regarding the people of Kashan’s uprising, last night there were disturbances in of Ghahdarijan, Khomeini Shahr, Kahrizsang, Shahin Shahr, Foulad Shahr, Zarrin Shahr, and Najaf Abad in Isfahan province. More than 100 people were arrested in Monday's disturbances in Isfahan province.
138 people arrested in recent uprisings in Mashhad
Raja News: Mashhad's deputy prosecutor reported the arrest of 138 people in Mashhad's illegal gatherings.
Judge Hasan Heidari, in an interview with journalists on Tuesday afternoon, referring to illegal gatherings in the early days of the week in Mashhad: “Unfortunately, in the recent gatherings in Mashhad, there were some people who wanted to riot but due to the vigilance of the agents were arrested.”
He added: "In the meantime, during the gatherings of Mashhad on the first night 52, and in the next two nights, 74 and 12 people who were planning to sabotage were arrested.”

Fars news agency
Commenting on riots in Abyek, northwest of Tehran, Hamid Shahriari, deputy head of the Judiciary: “Rioters and leaders of riots and those managing or organizing riots will be dealt with decisively… All leaders of recent riots have been identified and arrested.


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