
Showing posts from January, 2018

Massive Crackdown on the Peaceful Demonstrations in Iran

Massive Crackdown on the Peaceful Demonstrations in Iran  Wednesday, 17 January 2018 23:35  Print  Email Date of report: January 9, 2018 Since December 28, 2017, when the protest against high prices began in Mashhad, northeast of Iran, and then spread throughout the country, at least 50 people were killed, more have been injured and several thousand have been arrested. The Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) has begun a house-to-house search in many smaller towns, arresting those identified in the protests, terrorizing the people and threatening them not to take part in any protests. There are also reports of IRGC and agents of the Intelligence Ministry approaching former political prisoners, families of members of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), who are out of Iran, and anyone suspecting of being active, forcing them to make a written pledge not to take part in protests. The Iranian regime’s officials have acknowledged that a large number of

Iran Regime Is Murdering Protesters under torture in prisons

Iran Regime Is Murdering Protesters; World Must Speak Out  Thursday, 18 January 2018 02:1   NCRI Staff NCRI - The Iranian Regime has met the protests of their citizens with extrajudicial killings, torture, and mass imprisonment, according to the leading Iranian opposition group. The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) reported on Tuesday that the Regime’s so-called security forces have already killed at least 50 people and imprisoned over 8,000, and tortured at least five people to death in jail, while the majority of Western governments have failed to speak out against this cruelty. Ever the exception, Donald Trump has tweeted in support of the protesters, warning the Iranian Regime that the world is watching. On Friday, the US Treasury Department also imposed new sanctions on the regime’s judiciary chief, Sadeq Amoli Larijani; a man well known for cruel and unusual punishments like torture and amputation. Shahin Gobadi, an NCRI representative, 

Iran the oppressed people need to be supported by Google to bypass successfully the mullahs internet censorship.

Google Not Following in Steps of Amazon and Microsoft Regarding Internet Censorship in Iran  Wednesday, 17 January 2018 18:22  Print  Email NCRI Staff NCRI - The people of Iran are trying to gather support from the international community in the midst of the unrest that has spread across the country. Following weeks of protests and anti-government demonstrations, the Iranian regime has taken a number of steps to suppress the people even further. As it has done in the past, it suspended the use of Telegram – a messaging application used by a large number of people in the country. It is a known tactic of the Iranian regime to tighten and restrict the use of social media and there have been many people that have been arrested, tortured and imprisoned for their use of social media. However, Iran has a large population of savvy, young people and they are able to bypass restrictions put in place by the government. For example, they use VPNs (Virtual Private Netw

Stop Iran interference in Yemen internal affairs.

Yemeni Government Accused Iran Regime of Forging Its Currency  Tuesday, 16 January 2018 20:08  Print  Email NCRI Staff NCRI - The Yemeni government on Tuesday, January 16, without mentioning a name, accused some organizations of the Iranian regime of trying to forge the Yemeni national currency and, consequently, the collapse of its value. According to al-Arabiya, the Yemeni government has expressed the view that the aim of this measure is to increase the suffering of the Yemeni people by "using the human condition as a mean to force the international community to stop military action against Houthi militants". Yemen's spokesman Rajeh Badi said: “Iran's plan is to protect Houthi militias as a hand tool to save its failed project, a project which is at its final stages due to successive field defeats imposed by the Yemeni army with the brotherly support of the Saudi-led Arab coalition.” Badi also pointed to the “plundering of $5 billion fro