Iran the new wave of punishing the ruling mullahs by people in the streets

NCRI Staff
NCRI - In the wake of repeated attacks by people on mullahs and beating them in different cities of Iran, the state-run Armaan newspaper has conducted an interview with Hadi Ghaffari, a state mullah, asking about the cause of this phenomenon.
Hadi Ghaffari, who was originally a radical cleric of the regime and today had to join the so-called gang of reformists, explains this phenomenon: “The main reason for physical attacks on clerics in the streets is that people are hungry and have lost their religion and their faith and consider the mullahs in power (state mullahs) as the cause of their economic and social problems.
He said that during his trips to different cities across the country, he observed that people’s religious beliefs, and especially the people’s trust in mullahs had collapsed and they no longer trust the clerics.
Referring to the regime's trick, which attributes these actions to foreigners, he added: “We should not reduce the current attacks on clerics by attributing them to ‘foreign propaganda.’ Such a reaction is to clear the problem superficially.”
According to Ghaffari's admission, the various strata of the people, especially the poor, are faced with numerous economic and social problems, and “the intensification and accumulation of these problems” have become an issue that “occurs in various forms, including the attack on the clergy.”
Ghaffari confesses that for some, “the clergy has become a flattering shop and lip service to achieving personal goals and interests.”



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