Why IRGC should be designated as a foreigner terrorist organization?

BY Arash Nikzad

Iran remained the leading state sponsor of terrorism… While ISIS continued to receive most of the headlines and remains a top focus on media, Iran remained the foremost state sponsor of terrorism around the world.
Iran continues to provide support to Hezbollah in Lebanon, Palestinian terrorist groups in Gaza strip, and various fundamentalist groups in Syria, Iraq, and throughout the Middle East. Iran employed the Quds Force of its Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps to implement foreign policy goals, provide cover for espionage and intelligence operations, and further more create instability in the Middle East. The Quds Force is Iran’s primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorists outside of Iran. Iran has acknowledged the involvement of the Quds Force in conflicts in Iraq and Syria.

In 2016, Iran remained the primary source of funding for Hezbollah and coordinated closely with Hezbollah in its efforts to create instability in the Middle East.  Despite, Hezbollah is a designated foreign terrorist organization, Iran has trained thousands of its fighters at camps in Iran.
 Hezbollah has contributed significant numbers of its fighters to support the Assad regime in Syria and carried out several attacks against Israeli Defense Forces in 2016 along the Lebanese border with Israel.

Iran has mobilized Iraqi Shia militia, including the powerful Kataib Hezbollah (Hezbollah Brigades) In Iraq, too
 Iran continued to support Iraqi militant groups, including Kata’ib Hezbollah, and it has provided weapons, funding, and training to Bahraini militant groups that have conducted attacks on Bahraini security forces.
Therefore, it is time for designating the IRGC as a terrorist entity.


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