How the time is right for regime change in Iran by MEK.

BY Arash Nikzad

Almost two years after the nuclear deal, nothing has changed in Iran’s regime behaves. Over $100 billion dollars was freed up for Iran as a result of the nuclear deal, yet the Iranians are still living in extreme poverty. The money,, was used to fund terror across the Middle East – Iraq, Syria and Yemen, instead of being used to spent inside Iran and to  improve lives of Iranian masses
The people are becoming restless and in the run up to the presidential election, a huge campaign was launched by PMOI/MEK (People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran/MEK) activists calling for the trial of the 1988 massacre perpetrators in charge of crime against humanity and killing more than 30,000 innocent political prisoners. It was on such a large scale that the Khamenei candidate Raisi, a member of the 1988 “Death Commission” during 1988 massacre, had no chance to win the election, and finally lose the election.
There is no doubt that the mullahs’ regime must come to an end. The crises (internal, regional and international) are still exist and insuperable. Most importantly, contrary to the Arab’s spring revolutions, Iran already has a feasible and democratic alternative, to fill the political vacuum after toppling the ruling mullahs.
In fact, the regime can change from within by people.
The opposition and the people of Iran are in a position to implement great change. They have already succeeded in getting the regime to condemn Raisi for his role in the 1988 massacre. They will succeed in ensuring the regime is overthrown so that the people can finally enjoy freedom and democracy.


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