Finally, Khamenei confessed to his regime collapse.

By Arash Nikzad

The Iranian resistance movement held its annual “Free Iran” rally in Paris on first July. People from all over the world attended, including tens of thousands of Iranian dissidents and hundreds of politicians, parliamentarians, and dignitaries.
The situation with Iran and the Middle East is changing at a rapid pace and many believed that change will come to Iran very soon. The people of Iran are ready to erupt with discontent and there is a social readiness for uprising inside Iran and at last the international community is paying attention to the demands of Iran’s people for the peaceful transition of power.
 Nowadays it is clear that Appeasement policy is not the right policy to treat with Iran, and further appeasement will give even more time to mullahs to destabilize the region.
The Iranian regime is on the verge of collapse and the internal disputes are irremediable, made worse by the recent election fail for the Khamenei who was unable to engineer the outcome. So, his favored candidate loses the election.

 All of the Participants at Paris rally emphasized that the message and purpose of the gathering is a clear war against the regime and an international call for regime change in Iran. They said that people of Iran and the region can only be free if the regime is overthrown.
This appears to be proven by Khamenei himself, too, who, in his recent speech, told that any change in the system’s behavior means changing the whole system, which will lead to the entire collapse of his regime.


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