How IRGC loots the wealth of Iranian people and kills them.

 Suppression of Iranian people by IRGC 

By Arash Nikzad

In the first months after the 1979 Iranian antimonarchy revolution, IRGC was founded by Khomeini and before its existence was enshrined in law, the IRGC operated as a network of militant activists loyal to him. In this role, the IRGC helped to stamp out dissident currents within the revolutionary movement.
 The IRGC views its task as preserving the “Islamic republican” form of government created by Khomeini, and faithfully implementing the instructions of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
 The IRGC is Iran’s primary instrument for exporting terrorism and the ideology of the Islamic Revolution worldwide.
IRGC is rigidly loyal to Iran’s clerical elite. The IRGC is Iran’s main link to its terrorist proxies, which the regime uses to boost Iran’s global influence.

The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is tasked with preserving the Islamic Republic of Iran and the ideals of the Khomeini. The IRGC combines traditional military roles with a relentless focus on supposed domestic enemies.
Iranian law defines the IRGC as “an institution commanded by the Supreme Leader whose purpose is to protect the Islamic Revolution of Iran and its accomplishments while striving continuously . . . to spread the sovereignty of God’s law

Over time, domestic repression has come to overshadow traditional military missions, as the IRGC’s influence has spread into every aspect of Iranian life.

The main mission of the IRGC is to deal with the threats from the internal enemies. And not to help the armed forces in case of foreign threats.
They consider loyalty to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei as a religious imperative.
After the cease-fire between two sides in Iran-Iraq War., Military participation in the economy decreased temporarily during the so-called reform era, but it rose to new heights with the reemergence of the hardliners and a revolutionary guard commander Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s 2005 electoral victory.

The government uses economic participation as another technique of nullifying coup attempts, with expanded military entrepreneurship becoming one of the most common forms of co-optation.
The regime gives them extra motivation to remain loyal, by involving IRGC’s personnel in business projects and other economic affairs.
This strategy was used to depoliticize the military establishment, especially the IRGC.
The IRGC, in particular, has become deeply involved in commercial affairs as a means of supporting the clerical establishments. Studies of IRGC participation in Iran’s political economy show that the latter’s business activities are limited to guaranteeing the benefit of its personnel, while the IRGC’s influence extends to every sector of the Iran economy.
The Guards, therefore, have even more incentive to support the regime and protect their privileges.
 Indeed, the scope and scale of the IRGC’s participation in economic activities are much larger than that of the regular military entity.
To preserve its growing economic benefits, the IRGC has also improved its political involvement, leading some observers to conclude that the Guards have escaped the clerical establishment’s control. According to this argument, the IRGC is now the most important power center in Iran.
Later studies proved that the IRGC commanders have an insatiable appetite for devouring the wealth of the Iranian people.

They oppressed any dissidents’ voices and the kills many people up to now to protect mullahs regime.


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