
Showing posts from June, 2017

MEK the main opposition of Iran's regime

MEK: The Opposition the Iranian Regime Wants to Silence By Mahmoud Hakamian For the Iranian regime, staying power means oppressing all voices that challenge their rule, particularly the human rights abuses and strict laws on everything from who you can socialize with to how you dress in public. Yet, one group has been the main focus of the regime’s efforts to suppress and undermine their voice in support of a free Iran. That group is the MEK. When the MEK was removed from the U.S. list of terrorist groups, Iranian regime House Speaker Ali Larijani  said  during his speech on June 23, “Now it’s you (the United States) who are a sponsor of terrorism and even mother of terrorism, yet you accuse the Iranian regime of sponsoring terrorism. Your accusations are shameful…Today, the Americans removed the MEK from their list of terrorist groups.” News agencies, including the Fars agency under the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), have revealed the concerns of the regime over wha

How IRGC loots the wealth of Iranian people and kills them.

 Suppression of Iranian people by IRGC  By Arash Nikzad In the first months after the 1979 Iranian antimonarchy revolution, IRGC was founded by Khomeini and before its existence was enshrined in law, the IRGC operated as a network of militant activists loyal to him. In this role, the IRGC helped to stamp out dissident currents within the revolutionary movement.  The IRGC views its task as preserving the “Islamic republican” form of government created by Khomeini, and faithfully implementing the instructions of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.  The IRGC is Iran’s primary instrument for exporting terrorism and the ideology of the Islamic Revolution worldwide. IRGC is rigidly loyal to Iran’s clerical elite. The IRGC is Iran’s main link to its terrorist proxies, which the regime uses to boost Iran’s global influence. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) is tasked with preserving the Islamic Republic of Iran and the ideals of the Khomeini. The IRGC combines traditiona

The necessity of IRGC designation as a terrorist entity

The Iranian Regime is known as the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world and its military is ‘armed to the teeth’, but it may be Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s private army, the IRGC, that poses the greatest threat to the rest of the world. The IRGC, who answer to no one but Khamenei, has been at the heart of the most destructive campaigns by the Iranian Regime over the world from Afghanistan to Latin America  Zachary Keck, the former managing editor of The National Interest, wrote a piece on the Iranian Regime and its military arsenal in which he determined that the IRCG pose a credible threat to US security. IRGC act as an instrument for internal crackdown inside Iran and export of terrorism outside the country which resulted in thousands of deaths up to know  This is why the IRGC should be designated a foreign terrorist organization (FTO) by the US Government. If they choose to pursue putting the IRGC on the terror list, it would cut off a good deal of the IRGC’s fun


IRAN’S MISSILE LAUNCHES: A SIGN OF STRENGTH OR WEAKNESS? By  Heshmat Alavi Launching surface to surface missiles from Iran to Syria, apart from its military achievement which the Iranian regime is boasting about it, has some political message to different receivers. Heshmat Alavi has more about it. How should we evaluate Iran’s medium-range missile strikes, boasted by the mullahs as an official response to the June 7th twin attacks allegedly staged by ISIS in Tehran?As a sign of strength showing Iran’s ability to take on ISIS while also sending a message to all adversaries, election most importantly Washington? Or a desperate attempt by the mullahs to maintain a straight face against increasing domestic and  foreign crises ? Iran last resorted to such drastic measures of launching ballistic missiles from its soil back in the final days of the Iran-Iraq war in 1988 after suffering major defeats, and once again in 2001 against former bases of the Iranian opposition People'

will the Iranian regime enter to overthrow phase?

Is Iran plunging the Middle East into another war? By Heshmat Alavi The days of ISIS are numbered and voices are heard about the entire region being forced into a far more disastrous conflict. Various parties, mainly the US and Iran, have begun jostling, seeking to inject their influence onto what the future holds for Syria. As Iran has also wreaked havoc in Iraq and Yemen, concerns are rallying on Tehran going the distance to pull the US full-scale into the Syria inferno. Such a mentality results from misunderstanding the nature of what is known as the Iranian regime. Escalating tensions After establishing a foothold in the strategic town of al-Tanf near the Iraq-Jordan-Syria border, US forces designated a buffer zone to provide protection for their own troops and resources, alongside their allies of anti-Assad opposition rebels. 1) On three different incidents, Iran-backed militias have made advances into the buffer zone, only to receive warnings and eventually be  at

Is President Trump right to focus on the aggressive policy of Tehran in the middle east?

Trump is right to focus on Iran's support of terrorism IRGC must designate as a foreign terrorist entity  BY Ivan Sascha Sheehan Despite the criticism directed at the  Trump  White House, the administration is to be commended for important changes in U.S. policy toward Iran since taking office. The Trump administration has made great strides in shifting from the conciliatory gestures of the  Obama  years to a much firmer stance that acknowledges American intolerance for violent extremism, human rights violations and the support of terrorism. Leading administration figures have repeatedly taken to the airwaves to broadcast this message and carried it with them on official trips abroad. Today the messaging is resonating with officials from both parties and in elite policy circles. The time has never been better for the White House to focus on Iran’s support of terrorism. The Syrian crisis has been complicated by the Iranian regime’s determined efforts to arm and defe

خوف طهران

    يُسمع وقع أقدام مجاهدي خلق .. بقلم / عبد المجيد محمد حسب البرنامج المعلن، فان المؤتمر السنوي العام للمقاومة الايرانية سيقام السبت الأول من يولو القادم. وخلال هذه الأيام نسمع باستمرار مواقف الدعم والتأييد والتضامن من قبل شخصيات دولية معروفة لديهم تواصل بالمقاومة الايرانية أو شاركوا خلال السنوات الفائتة في تجمعات مماثلة. المؤتمر السنوي للمقاومة الايرانية الذي تنظمه المقاومة الايرانية قد أثار الخوف بشكل جنوني لدى النظام الايراني. والسبب يعود الى أن المؤتمر هذا العام يختلف تماما عن سابقاته ويعلم النظام الحاكم في طهران مغزاه أكثر من غيره. الولي الفقيه الحاكم في ايران يعلم جيدا أن الند الوحيد لاسقاطه والبديل لنظامه البغيض هو المقاومة الايرانية وفي محورها منظمة مجاهدي خلق الايرانية والمجلس الوطني للمقاومة الايرانية. هناك حقيقة تم اثباتها أن انتخاب الشعب الايراني ليس حكم ولاية الفقيه وديكتاتورية المحتالين والجلادين المعممين والحرس. وانما انتخاب الشعب الايراني هو المقاومة من أجل نيل الحرية وحكم جمهور الشعب. الشعب الايراني يريد التخلص من الاستبد

Root of Iran's fear

Iran's triangle of fear By Shahriar Kia There is a Persian proverb saying those fearing the dark scream to overcome their fears.  Iran, considering its domestic and foreign dilemmas, resembles that very individual who is afraid of the dark and is screaming to overcome its fears. On Wednesday, June 7, Iran was  attacked by terrorists  in a twin assault that ISIS claimed responsibility for, targeting the parliament and the tomb of the regime's founder.  In contrast to others victimized by terrorism, Tehran actually welcomed this attack and portrays itself as the victim. Iran was under intense pressure from an international coalition against its measures in the Middle East and needed an escape route.  Tehran sought to cloak the reality of being the central banker of international terrorism.  The position taken by U.S. President Donald Trump and a recent  Senate resolution  became impassable hurdles.  To this end, Iran began broadcasting fake news accusing the U.S., Saudi

unwritten agreement between Tehran and ISIS

ISIS Attacks On Iran Should Make The Regime Reflects  By Shahriar Kia  At a time when Iran is engulfed in a conglomerate of domestic and international crises, the regime witnessed two unexpected attacks by ISIS against its godfather in Tehran, marking the first such attack by the terror group on Iranian soil. Parallel to denunciations from across the globe, the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran  condemned  the attack and warned of Tehran taking advantage of such a development. NCRI President Maryam Rajavi  strongly condemned  the loss of innocent lives under any pretext. “ISIS’s conduct clearly benefits the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader Khamenei, who wholeheartedly welcomes it as an opportunity to overcome his regime’s regional and international impasse and isolation. The founder and the number one state sponsor of terror are thus trying to switch the place of the murderer and the victim and portray the central banker of terrorism as a victim,” Rajav

Why does Tehran fear from Mojahedin?

IRAN TAKES ACTION AGAINST INCREASING POPULARITY OF MEK During the summer of 1988 in Iran, some 30,000 political prisoners, the majority of whom were MEK members or sympathizers, were executed. The year is the 29th anniversary of the 1988 massacre. Last summer, an audio tape was published by the son of Hossein-Ali Montazeri. August 9, 2016, the recording was heard for the first time, and on it, Khomeini’s former heir  can be heard telling  a meeting of members of the “Death Committee” that they are carrying out a crime against humanity, 28 years ago, on August 15, 1988. The tape sent shockwaves through Iran, as it adds new knowledge of the breadth and scope of the massacre and confirms that it involved the highest levels of leadership. For more than two decades silence has been imposed in regards to the massacre because you see, Iranian leaders who held positions of power at that time, members of the notorious Death Commission, are still in leadership positions today. They have ne


TEHRAN EQUATES DIPLOMACY WITH WEAKNESS AND INACTION Dr. Majid Rafizadeh The Baghdad Post, June 20, 2017 - The latest reports regarding Iran’s provocation in the Strait of Hormuz highlight the notion that Tehran is forcefully attempting to further strengthen its hold over this strategic chokepoint at the expense of regional stability, Dr. Majid Rafizadeh wrote in a commentary published by The National. It should come as no surprise that Iran’s military has once again conducted significant moves in the Strait. Roughly a third of all global oil shipments sail through it and Iran’s actions are regarded by the US Navy as 'unsafe and unprofessional'. In March, Iranian vessels came dangerously close to British and American ships. The ships had to change course to prevent a collision. In the same week, an Iranian frigate made dangerous moves in the Gulf of Oman. In addition, in the same month, Iran launched a missile test from the Strait of Hormuz. Iranian state outlets b

Iranian regime nightmare

IRAN: New Admissions Regarding 1,000 Missiles Fired at MEK Headquarters Iran Focus London, 23 Jun - That  1,000 missiles  were launched to target the opposition People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) bases in Iraq back in 2001 has been acknowledged by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). The IRGC also admitted that due to specific reservations this measure was not acknowledged publicly for many years. According to a June 19th report by Fars news agency, “Eighteen years ago the IRGC launched a retaliatory attack and fired 1,000 missiles and long-range artillery targeting PMOI/MEK bases deep inside Iraq. This included Camp Ashraf and a base in the city of al-Emara. However, this was a strategic act and sent a message.” This was possibly based on the statement by a regime intelligence agent, Saeed Rabiee, made in a televised interview on June 19, 2017, where he said, "Eighteen years ago, after the Mojahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) action to eliminate Lt., Ali Sayy