
Showing posts from November, 2018

New repressive measures against Iranian labors

The anti-human clerical regime, which has become furious and aggravated by the strike and demonstrations of brave workers of the Haft Tappeh sugar cane mill, on Thursday, November 29 arrested Mr. Ali Nejati, former president of the Haft Tappeh sugar cane workers union, along with his son, and transferred them to an unknown location. The repressive forces arrested and beat him while he was suffering from heart disease and was badly ill.

Iranian regime is facing financial crisis as the result of sanctions

Iranian economic    experts believe that   the government of   mullah Rouhani will be forced to issue bonds and pour more cash into the free market by printing currency note as usual , which creates the ground for increasing inflation. Regarding the monetary and financial crisis of the Iranian regime, another  economic expert said that the government is saving the banking sector at the expense of the people.

Chabahar port a paradise for Iran's regime official and a true hell for Its native people

This strategic port is inhabited by hardworking and hospitable people who are unfortunately struggling with extreme poverty imposed by the ruling mullahs and the notorious Revolutionary Guards.

The EP delegation presented the statement of 150 MEPs to Maryam Rajavi in

Maryam Rajavi  expressed her appreciation for the efforts of members of the European Parliament. Explaining in detail the latest developments on the volatile state of the Iranian society and the regime’s aggravating crises, she said: Despite massive repression, widespread arrests and murders in detention projected as suicides, the Iranian people’s uprisings have continued ever since they started in the final days of last year, becoming ever more organized. The growing trend of strikes, protests, and demonstrations by workers, farmers, and other toiling sectors have sounded the alarm bells for the regime, bringing closer the prospects of victory of freedom and democracy over the dark religious tyranny that has invaded our homeland for four decades.

The need to open the chemical weapons file of the Iranian regime

Up until recently, the Iranian regime had a lot of visible and invisible support and assistants in  the world on the base of appeasement policy , and   some Western countries even ignored Tehran’s terrorist attacks and murdering of innocent people  on their own soil in exchange for lucrative trade deals and cheap oil . But since the new administration took office in the U.S., as hard as Iran’s lobby in the West tries and as cheap as the regime itself sells Iranian interests abroad and in the region, one would have a hard time to find a country which offers more than rhetoric to support the ruling mullahs in Iran.

Iran’s regime cyber army send 40,000 emails to disrupt Bahrain elections

The Bahrain Interior Ministry issued a statement on the Iranian regime’s meddling in his country’s elections. This recent announcement derives from an investigation of fake news reports sent to Bahraini citizens and many sources of these messages are being identified. Individuals stationed in Bahrain and Iran who have hacked servers to carry out their illegal measures are carrying out this crime. This investigation also sheds light on the fact that the Iranian regime is the source of 40,000 email messages aiming to disrupt Bahrain’s parliamentary and municipality elections.


 On Sunday, November 25, 2018, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi   president elected of IRANIAN RESISTANCE  met in  Albania Capital Tirana with a  delegation from the European Parliament (EP) and discussed the situation of members of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) in Albania and the latest developments in Iran. The EP delegation included Mr. Tunne Kelam, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Vice Chair of Friends of a Free Iran inter-parliamentary group, Mr. Jaromir Stetina, member of the Foreign Affairs Committee and Vice Chairman of the Subcommittee on Security and Defense, and Mr. Struan Stevenson, coordinator of the Campaign for Iran Change.

Iran:Continuation of Strike and demonstration of Ahvaz Steel and Haft Tapeh Sugarcane Mill workers against economic circumstances

Haft Tappeh Sugarcane workers rallied on the 16 th day of their strike in front of the regime's governorate in the city of Shush, protesting the arrest of their colleagues. They chanted on the march to the city market: “Imprisoned worker must be freed; We are workers of Steel, we stand together; Lest we accept humiliation” In Ahvaz, steel workers rallied in front of the Governorate on the eleventh day of their strike, despite the presence of a variety of repressive forces. They chanted: “We, the steel workers, fight against oppression; unemployment, inflation, the plight of people; inflation, high prices, respond Rouhani; be alert citizens, we are workers not thugs; we stand, we die; we get our rights back”

Iranian regime’s destructive regional policies.

The Iranian regime lacks good relations with any of its 15 neighbors, says, deputy chair of the Iran-China Chamber of Commerce. “To say we have 15 neighbors is similar to giving medicine to a dead man,” said Majid Reza Hariri in a recent interview with the state-run ILNA news agency. “We must take into consideration this question of how many neighbors we actually have good relations with? We have no relations with the Persian Gulf countries; Turkmenistan has banned us from using its airspace; Azerbaijan has issues for our support of Armenia regarding the Gharre Baq matter. Therefore, when we claim there’s a market of 400 million people around us, we must not forget we have problems with 70 to 80 percent of this population.


At the end of October, it was revealed that authorities in Denmark had arrested at least one person of Iranian origin in connection with an alleged plot to assassinate Iranian opposition activists living in the country. The announcement led to newfound pressure on the European Union to exert greater pressure on the Islamic Republic at a time when US sanctions were coming back into full force and the Iranian regime was already struggling to manage the fallout from the disruption of previous terror plots on Western soil.

ّIran: Authorities' concerns and fears

  As the Iranian regime’s finds itself increasingly hard pressed to contain the waves of protests that are erupting across the country, its officials are voicing their fears of how the MEK and its network of activists are playing a key role in preventing the regime from re-establishing its tyrannical control in cities and streets. And while different factions within the regime might quarrel over their share of political and economic power, they agree on one thing: The MEK is the main threat to their religious dictatorship.

Iran: Continuation of strikes and protests against the bad economic situation

On Saturday, November 10, heavy truck drivers and truckers continued their strike in different cities throughout the country for the tenth day of the new round. Earlier in the months of June, August and September, they were striking because of the severe living conditions, low freight rates, high cost of spare parts, severe insurance conditions, and so on. October strike lasted 21 days.

Consequences of the terrorist plan of the Iranian regime in Denmark

Iran’s recent terrorist disaster in Denmark and the following ridiculous excuses by its officials speak volumes about the fragility and mayhem in the regime’s ranks and files. Nevertheless, while both factions tried to cover up and save face, their particular responses help us learn where they truly stand. Iran’s first channel television broadcasted on October 31 the comments of the Iranian Foreign Ministry’s spokesperson, Bahram Qasemi, saying that the blame of the plot lies on other people which he himself even couldn’t say who or where they are.

Establishing a new regional coalition against the threats of the Iranian regime

Gulf Cooperation Council Secretary General Abdullatif bin Rashid Al Zayani emphasized on the importance of confronting the Iranian regime’s meddling that is threatening international shipping lines and commerce in the Red Sea. These remarks came in an interview with the London-based Al Sharq Al Awsat on Friday.

Iran's new threats against the international community

  Following the announcement of the second round of U.S. sanctions against the Iranian regime, Alam Alhoda, representative of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei in Mashhad, northeast Iran, resorted to unbridled threats of terrorism  against regional countries. "If we reach a point that our oil is not exported, the Strait of Hormuz will be mined. Saudi oil tankers will be seized and regional countries will be leveled with Iranian missiles,” he said at Friday’s prayer sermon.