
Showing posts from September, 2018

How are Iranian students deprived from education?

Iranian state-run website Eqtesad (economy)News wrote an article titled “There is a staggering rate of dropouts in Iran” and quoted an Iranian official saying, “In Iran, one in every four students drops out and the reason is mainly a lack of stationaries… in a place where the school can collapse at any minute, you can’t talk much about education and now it’s a little difficult to talk about education.”

The days of impunity for Iran's ruling regime are over.

The Iranian regime finds itself the target of stern and unprecedented warnings issued by senior U.S. administration officials on Tuesday at a session held on the sidelines of the 73 rd  United Nations General Assembly.

ٌWorld's leaders discusses Iranian regime bellicosity in UN security council

v The Iranian regime came under criticism at the United Nations Security Council on Wednesday, a session specifically chaired by U.S. President Donald Trump focusing on the threats posed by Tehran’s mullahs and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. on the other side , French President Emmanuel Macron highlighted the Iranian regime’s regional threat, with a special focus on the need to analyze and prevent the Iranian regime’s ballistic missiles program.


Dear compatriot s, Distinguished personalities, Members of Iranian communities in the United States, You have organized a gathering that glows with unyielding resolve to secure a free Iran. Such gatherings around the world, added to the popular base of this resistance in Iran, in and of themselves manifest the roadmap for freedom and democracy in Iran.

Maryam Rajavi’s Message to Iranian students on the beginning of Iran New Academic Year

The Iranian opposition leader,  Mrs,Maryam Rajavi called on the Iranian youth and students to turn the coming school year in a year of protests and uprisings all around the country.  she added:  I salute all of you in the beginning of the new academic year, and commend you for your desire and determination in achieving  Iran ’s freedom and progress, and in bringing up a generation that yearns for the establishment of a society based on freedom, democracy and equality.

Iranian political prisoner reveals shocking facts about the execution of innocent Kurdish prisoners .

In an open letter that has been secretly sent out of prison, Iranian political prisoner Hassan Sadeghi, who shared a ward with Zaniar and Loghman in Iran’s Gohardasht Prison, has revealed damning details about the circumstances that the political prisoners were taken for execution, which are reminiscent of the violence and terror that has been plaguing the entire history of the mullahs’ regime.

Iran:The role of the regime’s diplomacy in terrorist plots

According to the Iranian resistance , the “Organization of Foreign Intelligence and Movements,” is the specific department in the Iranian regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) responsible for terrorist activities in Europe and U.S. This is one of the most important departments within the MOIS, coordinating espionage and terrorist operations between MOIS stations in different countries, which include the Iranian regime’s embassies. Reza Amiri Moghaddam, head of the Iranian regime’s “Foreign Intelligence Organization,”  in charge of Tehran’s terrorism operations outside of Iran

Geneva conference calls for UN inquiry about the massacre of Iranian political prisoners on 1988

Tahar Boumedra, distinguished jurist, former UN representative in Iraq, and the current head of Justice for the Victims of the 1988 (JVMI) underlined the need for an independent probe into the execution of political prisoners in Iran.

Iran: Confession of the IRGC commander to a missile attack inside Iraq

The Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards claimed responsibility for a recent missile attack targeting Iranian Kurdish dissidents based in Iraq. This missile barrage on the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) site coincided with the execution  of three Kurdish political prisoners early Saturday morning local time in Gohardasht (Rajaie Shahr) Prison of Karaj, west of Tehran.

Iran funding its proxy forces with drug money

 Militias linked to the Iranian regime are using money obtained from their drug trade to provide for their meddling activities, according to General Turki al-Maliki, spokesman for the Arab coalition as cited by Al Arabiya website.

Iran: Abandoned children are the outcome of the reign of the mullahs.

One of the many tragedies the Iranian society is suffering from during the reign of the mullahs is the rising number of abandoned children. While facing an uncertain future, these children are abandoned in a variety of public places. The majority of them fall victim to a large number of malign social crises plaguing Iran. The rising numbers are mind-boggling. Through the course of 2017, a total of 181 children were taken in by the Children Welfare Organization in Alborz Province, northern Iran.

Iranians are lost their trust to the ruling regime.

n September the 4 th ,  mullah Ahmad Jannati, Chairman of the Iranian regime’s Assembly of Experts, while trying to release Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei from responsibility regarding the economic downturn, advised Iranian authorities to “talk to the people” because “people are discontent.” Jannati asked Iranian authorities to “give people the feeling” that the government “understands their pain and stands with them.” He further asked officials to tell the people that “they will solve their problems.”

Iranian regime authorities admitted to their defeat to control the Internet and filtering the social networks

Following remarks by Iranian Communications Minister Mohammad Javad Azari Jahromi regarding the regime’s inability to prevent the PMOI/MEK’s activities in social media, a regime expert acknowledges the fact that the activities of the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran has increased during the past year, linking the MEK/PMOI  network inside Iran to the leading organization based abroad.

Iran's industries ‌go bankrupt

Following Iran’s ongoing economic crisis  and the skyrocketing price of the U.S. dollar at currency exchanges across the country, and the mullahs’ regime deciding to impose new policies, hundreds of workers in Iran’s textile industry are losing their jobs. According to new regime policies, there will no longer be any U.S. dollar available at the fixed government rate of 42,000 rials – previously available for some businesses. As a result, textile factories will not be able to purchase and/or import raw material, bringing a halt to its production lines.

Iraqi protester trampling Ali Khamenei Image in Basra.

 Protests in Basra, southern Iraq, are the most serious developments during the past years in this oil-rich region. The Associated Press reported: “Angry protesters have torched government buildings and offices belonging to the Iranian-backed militias in the weeklong protests demanding improved services and an end to corruption. On Friday night, protesters chanting anti-Iranian slogans including ‘Iran, out, out!’ stormed the Iranian consulate and set it on fire. “They also burned an Iranian flag and trampled on a portrait of Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei…

Iran: Resistance Units Activities commemorate the 30th anniversary of massive massacre in 1988

Members of a resistance unit in divers cities inside the country wrote slogans against Iranian criminal dictator  on the traffic signs. Their slogans read: “Death to Khamenei”, “Death to Rouhani”, “Down with the principal of the Velayat-e-faqih”, and “fire vs fire”. Further  more ,  they   marked the 30 th  anniversary of the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners, with writing slogans on the  walls,  reading: “The anniversary of the 1988 massacre, we neither forget nor forgive”.

Unprecedented attacks against Khamenei in Iran’s parliament

On Tuesday, September 2 nd , an open-door session of the Iranian regime’s Majlis (parliament) became the scene of a number of Majlis members acknowledging the regime’s crises and “super challenges” while criticizing Iranian regime Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and his policies for their status quo.

Iran: Confessions of MPs to the economic crisis

The open-door session of the Iranian regime’s Majlis (parliament) shed new light on the country’s economy  crisis and poor living condition of  ordinary Iranians. “To those government officials who are trying comfort themselves with unreal statistics, our workers and employees, young and old, are all living in conditions with inflation reaching 60 or 70 percent,” said Majlis member Mohsen Bigleri. “Mr. Rouhani, we have five million unemployed people and most of them are college educated, and yet they’re struggling to procure their next meal.

Iran's foreign minister admission about MEK/PMOI

Members of the Iranian regime’s Majlis (parliament) once again summoned Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Sunday, saying they were not convinced over his response to the questions they raised two months ago regarding his visit to France coinciding with the Iranian opposition’s annual rally in Paris. Najafi Khoshrudi, spokesman of the Majlis National Security & Foreign Policy Committee.

Iran's espionage in Germany.

The Iranian regime espionage  is one of the main countries cited by German counterintelligence officials in their annual report issued by the Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BfV), the domestic intelligence entity of the Federal Republic of Germany. This recent report sheds light on the efforts of counterintelligence units targeting Tehran’s espionage campaign in Germany and operations seeking to influence specific spheres.