
Showing posts from August, 2018

Iran: Coincidence of escalation of protests and united states policy against Iran's regime

 Ali Safavi, a member of the Iranian opposition coalition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), In an interview with One America Network, , sheds light on the opposition movement’s role inside the country ongoing protests throughout Iran and the foreign policy the Trump administration can take in regards to Tehran’s mullahs. “Obviously, the protests that you see now are the continuation of the major nationwide uprisings that erupted back in December and January in 142 cities. The main reason is the fact that the Iranian regime has been unable to address the many demands of the Iranian people. The economy is on the verge of bankruptcy,”Safavi explained.

Will the European aid package salvage Iran's nuclear deal?

Iranian regime faces a choking   economic sanction  alongside escalating protests  and strikes across the country and increasing international economic pressure , leaders in Tehran  thought that EU could assist them to overcome the deadly economic circumstances which  lead Iran's economy on the verge of collapse .

Founders of the MEK/PMOI (Mojahedin) : Ali Asghar Badizadegan

Ali Asghar Badizadegan, one of the three  great founders of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), was born in 1940 in Isfahan. Badizadegan spent his childhood and youth in Isfahan, Karaj and Tehran. He studied chemical engineering at the Technical University of Tehran, where he became assistant professor in 1964.

Founders of the MEK/PMOI : Saeid Mohsen

Saeid Mohsen was one of the three people who founded the  MEK/PMOI Mojahedin Organization in a small apartment flat at 444 Elizabeth Blvd., Tehran. He contributed enormously to the analyses and elaboration of the MEK/PMOI ideology, which is based on the tolerant and democratic interpretation of Islam. He was also actively involved in recruiting new members for the organizations from intellectuals in the Iranian society.

Iranian president summoned by parliament

Over 80 members of the Iranian regime’s so called parliament (Majlis) presented various questions and forced regime President  mullah Hassan Rouhani to show up for questioning. Out of 5 questions put to Rouhani by the members of the parliament, four answers did not convince the MPs.

Iran: Insurgent centers members call for prosecution of 1988 massacre perpetrators

Members of resistance units associated to the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) are continuing their efforts and pledging to continue the path of the over 30,000 political prisoners massacred by the mullahs’ regime back in 1988. Neither the mullahs have been able to silence this great epic, nor international partners appeasing this regime have been able to degrade this historic event in Iran’s history, according to Iranian opposition President Maryam Rajavi who delivered a speech on Saturday during an international conference commemorating these martyrs.

A quick glance to the life of MEK/PMOI founder

Mohammad Hanifnejad was one of the three people who founded the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the longest standing and most prominent Iranian opposition group. Born in 1939 to a working-class family in Tabriz, northwestern Iran, Hanifnejad underwent a tough childhood. However, life calamities did not prevent him from following his studies in Tabriz.

The failure of the cyber terrorism of the Iranian regime

Iran's internet terrorism  huge machine  is run by the revolutionary guards  and Ministry of Intelligence, and its aim is to deceive the world , spread lies  and misinformation, demonize opponents, and prevent the free flow of information for Iranians inside Iran .  International Internet institutions should prevent the regime from infiltrating and misusing their networks.

Why Iran will not become another Syria?

A letter from an Iranian political prisonerd Mr. Abolghasem Fouladvand, in Rajaie Shahr (Gohardasht) Prison  From the Dec/Jan uprising when protests across Iran have been linked with resistance units [associated to the PMOI/MEK], the inhumane mullahs’ regime senses its overthrow nearing more than ever before. The Iranian regime has campaigned all domestic and foreign resources, including its lobbyists, to carry out terrorist attacks targeting the sole organized opposition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and its pillar member, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). This plot was foiled, fortunately.

ُThe escalation of the internal crisis of the Iranian regime.

Iranian regime is witnessing internal intensifying dispute as protests spread across the country. During the past few weeks, the regime’s feuding factions are revealing how their rivals are involved in plundering the Iranian people of their wealth. This goes far beyond Rabie and Karbasian as corruption accusations are also raised against Masoud Pezeshkian (deputy parliament speaker). Reports indicate his children living abroad are living luxurious lives while posts of them driving very expensive cars are causing uproars inside Iran.

Maryam Rajavi's speech at the Iranian communities’ global conference

Thirty years have passed since the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran by , but the Iranian ruling mullahs could not conceal their blood-drenched apical resistance. Neither could their international appeasers undermine this incident in favor of the Iranian regime.

30th Anniversary Commemoration of the Massacre of 30,000 innocent Political Prisoners in Iran

As nationwide protests , demonstrations and strikes continue across Iran, entering their ninth month of continuous uprisings, and at a time where the cry for toppling the current regime in Iran and  establishment of democracy and freedom is echoing throughout Iran; Iranian communities in over 20 capitals and major cities across Europe and North America, will come together in a new innovation, on Saturday, 25 August, in a joint, interactive conference to commemorate 30,000 political prisoners  who were executed in the 1988 massacre in Iran by order of Khomeini as a revenge from political prisoners and as  a cover to his defeat in his bloody war with Iraq .

Tehran authorities confessed to the critical economic situation of the country

Iran's parliament's member  Mohammad Aboutorabi Fard,, warned against the aftermath of the economic crisis  and saying that , “The country no longer has the capacity for more currency fluctuations.” Another Iranian MP, warned  Ghasem Mirzaei Nikoo, , “Our country is in a very  critical economic and political situation .” He also confessed to the inefficiency of the government, saying, “Since many years ago, we have failed on several fronts.” He also admitted that the regime doesn’t have a way out of it crises, saying, “We weren’t prepared to deal with the situation.”

Why MEK is the real enemy of Iran's regime ?

As the  social protests continue on a daily basis throughout Iran , the  ruling criminal mullahs are attempting to counter the effects of these protests by their propaganda via media , arguing that the MEK  is the real enemy of their regime .

The unique role of MEK in ongoing protests in Iran

  Nowadays  with protests escalating across Iran and demonstration in divers cities across the country , the issue of this regime’s opposition and alternative has understandably transformed into a high priority subject  among Iran's authorities   .


The Iranian regime has often denied its main  opposition group the  (PMOI / MEK)  has a large following in Iran. Iranian authorities  have said on numerous occasions that the opposition’s influence  and social base in Iran is minimal and that it is no real threat to the Iranian regime. The reality is that it is a threat to the regime and it is clear that the regime has seen it as one for a long time because it has run sophisticated and elaborate smear campaigns against the   (PMOI / MEK)  .

Iran: Who is behind economic corruption?

A few weeks ago,  secretary Mike Pompeo gave a speech to the Iranian-American community  in united states at the Reagan Library. Among other things he particularly named and shamed some of the prominent examples of the ongoing corruption in the Iranian regime including so called supreme leader Ali Khamenei and other prominent leaders of corrupted regime .

Iranian officials express their concerns about current demonstrations

 A new rounds of protests  and social riots have erupted across Iran over economic woes. As crisis continue to escalate, demonstrators are reportedly calling for the death of the Iranian authorities including Ali Khamenei .

Iran's protesters message to dictator

Iran's  so called  supreme leader is stating concerns about the growing nature of Iran’s uprising and  social protests who  chanting anti-regime slogans and death to dictator  as a message to him. It is meaning that Iranians are determined to continue their demonstrations and strikes up to regime change in Iran.

Recognizing the NCRI as Iran's alternative is a necessary step toward regime change

The Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) rally in Paris was the target of an Iranian regime-blueprinted bomb plot, leading to the shocking arrest of Iranian “diplomat” who personally delivered the bomb to the operating team, according to European security services surveilling his moves.

Iran: On the verge of new revolution

The mullahs’ regime in Iran is taking repressive measures against its people who to  protest against economic and social circumstances  across the country, parallel to crippling economic sanctions imposed by the U.S. administration. This puts Tehran in a very dire situation and experts believe the Iran's people are facing a new Iranian revolution.

The reasons of Iran’s new round of uprising.

In 1979 anti monarchy revolution,  the Iranian people rose against and overthrew the Shah’s dictatorship. Back then very few speculated the status quo would allow the new regime in power to give birth to a new form of  religious dictatorship who will suppress people in name of the God and behalf of the God,too.

Iran: Authorities' confession to state corruption

A new round of uprisings has spread in  across Iran including the capital Tehran, Qom, which is the center of the clergy’s theocratic regime  power, Gohardasht, and at least 10 more cities. While the protests normally start with every new round of economic free fall, they turn almost instantly against the wh ole apparatus of the Iranian regime.

ُّThe Only Solution to Saving Iran’s Economy is toppling the ruling mullahs

In her message to the protesting bazaaris of Tehran, Isfahan, Shahr-e Ray, Tabriz, Qeshm, Karaj, Bandar Abbas, Rasht, Shahriar, and a number other cities in Iran, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president of the National Council of Resistance of Iran saluted the protesters  for rising up again and resuming their strikes against the usurper clerical regime.