
Showing posts from July, 2018

Iran: Merchants and store owners in Tehran & other cities across the country on strike

The new round of  strike follows a recent nosedive of Iran’s national currency. On Sunday night, a number of bazaar merchants issued statements calling on their colleagues to stage a new round of strikes as a protest to worsen of economic circumstances in Iran. People on social media are welcoming these measures, emphasizing that  the status quo is no longer acceptable for the Iranians merchants and ordinary people.

Currency crisis , and economic collapse in Iran

The entire economy in Iran is controlled by a corrupt regime and the Revolutionary Guards' generals, while the Iranian people are hostages of this enormously dangerous status quo, so they have to pay the price of economic situation in Iran.

Maryam Rajavi: Regime change is the Only Solution to Saving Iran’s Economy

The disastrous  and unstable state of the economy and the foreign exchange market in Iran, is the direct product of the regime’s  financial corruption . The free fall of the value of  national currency Rial to the world’s lowest is a consequence of the rule of the mullahs who have destroyed everything to preserve their criminal  gang on power. It is the consequence of squandering and looting Iran’s people wealth and revenues on the criminal war in Syria, and on export of terrorism and fundamentalism to other countries.

Iran supplies Taliban in Afghanistan by arms and ammunition

According to Afghanistan media reports and  local authorities in Ghor Provence Iran continued to armed Taliban with Iran made arms and ammunition.

The rising of United states currency in Iran and fear of a new round of social riots

Early Sunday morning the black market in Iran began selling the US dollar at a whopping 100,000 rials, breaking the previous psychological barrier.

Iran the perspective of economic disintegration and collapse

With a sharp rise in the price of dollars,  many sections of the Tehran market were closed and the strike reached the Iranian capital.

How Iran’s regime views its alternative

Various bodies of the Iranian regime have to this day in one way or another expressed their concerns about the PMOI/MEK and National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) gaining strength as Tehran’s opposition and alternative.

Free Iran 2018 gathering : A window into the future of Iran

The Free Iran 2018  grand gathering , the largest rally of Iranian opposition supporters abroad, which was held in the Villepinte hall in Paris, France on June 30, held messages for friend and foe. The unending sea of participants, which had filled the hall with an unwavering atmosphere of enthusiasm, was speaking on behalf of millions of enchained Iranians whose only desire is freedom from the tyranny of the extremist mullahs ruling their country.

Protests targeting corrupt regime’s policies in Iran

Reports from cities across Iran indicate an increasing number of protest rallies as angry demonstrators are seen voicing major dissent and abhorrence regarding corrupt policies of the ruling mullahs’ regime.

What’s the alternative to the ruling mullahs in Iran?

 In 1979, the people of Iran rose against their rulers, and their uprising resulted in the toppling of the Shah regime. While the national solidarity was strong and the sacrifices made by the Iranian people were many, what the 1979 revolution missed was a true alternative to the Shah regime. Absent an organized Iranian opposition movement that could lead the country toward the establishment of true democracy in the wake of the Shah’s overthrow.

Iranian regime points to its main opposition by plotting a bomb attack to Irainan rally in Paris

Earlier this month, days before Hassan Rouhani, the Iranian regime’s president, was bound for Europe, authorities in Belgium, France and Germany declared having foiled a terrorist plot that had been orchestrated by one of the regime’s diplomats in Austria. The terrorist attack was aimed against the Iranian opposition gathering in Paris.

Does Iran’s regime threaten to close the Strait of Hormuz?

On July 3 rd  at a press conference in Switzerland, Iranian regime  President  mullah Hassan  Rouhani reacted to U.S. secretary of state  pledges to stop Tehran’s oil exports. “It doesn’t make sense for Iran’s oil to not be exported while the region is exporting its oil. If you could, do so and face the results,” he said. Many political and press analysts consider Rouhani’s remarks as a threat to close the Strait of Hormuz. This is nothing new regarding the hole threat of Iranian regime president  remarks.

What is the achievement of Velayati travel to Russia?

What we can conclude is that the top priority of Velayati’s trip to Moscow was discussions surrounding his regime’s presence in Syria, which in recent months has become the main point of contention between Iran and Israel. Shortly after Velayati’s trip, France’s RFI reported, “Following his meeting with Vladimir Putin, Ali Akbar Velayati, Khamenei’s advisor in international affairs, said Iran is ready to immediately withdraw its forces from Syria.

why Iraqi protester set Khamenei’s banner ablaze?

  people of Basra in south of  Iraq, had set ablaze large banners of  Ali Khamenei,  and  Ruhollah Khomeini the original founder and the current supreme leader of the Iranian regime. The protesters also religious authorities to issue a fatwa against politicians who have ties with the Iranian regime. Basra, a province south of Iraq, has a majority Shiite population and the Iranian regime boasts of having a large base of support there. It is one of the many southern provinces that have recently seen unrest due to the lack of public services and an expansion of corruption in government institutions.

Iran's destructive role in the volatility of the oil market

The sanctions against the regime will undoubtedly put heavy strain and pressure against its nefarious activities. But the only way to avoid the repetition of past cycles is to support regime change in Iran. A government that is focused on building its economy and improving the lives of its citizens won’t spend its oil income on fueling wars in the region.

Continuation of the uprising of the Iraqi people against the Iranian regime

For the past 40 years, the Iranian regime has been dreaming of taking complete control over Iraq through the slogan of reaching “Quds through Karbala,” and establishing the cornerstone of its “Shiite Crescent” across the region. This is exactly why Iranian regime founder Rouhollah Khomeini continued the war with Iraq despite numerous ceasefire requests.

The time for the collapse of the Iranian regime

  one year ago after Hassan Rouhani,  second presidential era whom some western politicians consider  him as a moderate, and   Iranian regime had entered an era of stability and economic prosperity But to day contrary to their opinion the majority of Iran's experts believed that regime    is in a precarious situation and is inching toward its total collapse. Nothing short of a miracle can save the regime.

Confessions of the regime authorities to the role of the Mojahedin in the uprising of the Iranian people

 Gholamreza Jalali, chief of the Iranian regime’s Civil Defense Organization:2018 is a special year  for us  and we are in a very important twist in our history, He added: “The entire anti-revolution drive is based on the PMOI/MEK’s initiative so they can follow up on their measures to overthrow the government through the people .

Iranian regime’s real alternative

These days many Iranians are asking what movement has the power and program to overthrow the ruling mullahs in Iran. What movement can provide an alternative to the mullahs’ regime to ultimately establish a real  democracy in Iran and put an end point to the dark days in the country  and save the people ?

Why is the water crisis in Iran becoming a political crisis?

Iran are suffering from lack of access to drinking water. on the other side ,   Iranian authorities are   selling the country’s drinking water supplies to neighboring countries,including Iraq and Kuwait to gain money.

Iran uses embassies as cover to plot terrorist attacks

The Iranian regime has a history of plotting and staging terror attacks in Europe. “The most recent plot in Europe by Iranians  affiliated agents in Belgium is another chapter in a long history that dates back to 1984, when Iran was starting these hijackings on commercial airliners, bombings, assassinations, and taking innocent french and American citizens In Lebanon as hostage and demand ransom to release them.

A quick glance to the history of the terrorist operation by the Iranian regime

on July 20, 1987, Mohsen Rafiqdoust, the former IRGC Minister, officially stated, “Americans know that the explosive that combined with that ideology and sent 400 American soldiers and officers to hell, both the ideology and the explosive material came from Iran.”

Iran's political leadership involved in Terrorism

The German Federal Prosecutor announced in its statement on July 11 that German judiciary had ordered the arrest of Assadollah Assadi an Iranian secret service agent and  a mullahs’ terrorist diplomat, on charges of espionage and collaboration for murder by plotting a bomb attack to the Iran's dissidents rally in pairs. He had previously been arrested on July 1 based on a European arrest warrant.

Newt Gingrich addressed Free Iran rally in Paris, June 2018

So let me start by saying thank you. Let me also remind you how much the last two years have changed things. Two years ago we had an American administration committed to weakness, to actually shipping cash to the dictatorship, to easing up on the sanctions and to deluding itself about what the dictatorship would do.

Detained Iranian regime diplomat terrorist stands accused by Germany

German prosecutors on Wednesday accused Assadollah Assadi  an Iranian diplomat and a member of Iran's secret service with activity as a foreign operative and conspiracy to commit murder. Based in Vienna, Assadi is suspected of hiring an Iranian-Belgian couple in the northeast European country to stage an attack  by bomb at the annual convention held by the Iranian Diaspora expressing their support for the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) and its pillar member, the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

change will be coming to Iran

I n an exclusive interview with Fox News, NCRI president Mrs. Maryam Rajavi said, “The problem with this regime is not limited to its nuclear and ballistic missile programs. More important, is the systematic and flagrant violations of human rights in Iran. The decisive factor which for many years has been ignored, is the Iranian peoples’ resistance and the nationwide uprising.”

The cause of Iran’s drought is the regime

One of the main reasons behind Iran’s water crisis  and environmental problems is the excessive creation of dams by the Revolutionary Guards. This was a practice that was intensified during Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s presidency and continues to this day. The creation and administration of dams has become a lucrative business for the IRGC and has disrupted Iran’s ecological balance and has triggered and aggravated the drought in Urmia, Isfahan and elsewhere.

Iran withdraw from Its hollow threats of closing the strait of Hormuz

Iran, June 5, 2018  - Merely two days after hollow threats made by Iranian regime President Hassan Rouhani of closing the Strait of Hormuz in response to United States oil sanctions, Heshmat Falahatpisheh, chair of the Security Commission in the regime’s parliament says Rouhani didn’t mean to actually close the strait.