
Showing posts from June, 2018

Fourth day of strike and protest in Tehran and across Iran despite barbaric crackdowns

In fear of continuation and spread of the uprising of the  youths and people of Tehran, the mullahs’ regime has stationed repressive forces  against them in different parts of the city, especially at the Baharestan Square and the areas around the regime's parliament .

Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi hails protesters in Tehran & across Iran

As protests and strikes expand across the country and Iran’s regime has increasing concerns, Iranian Resistance leader Massoud Rajavi issued a message  on June 26 aired on INTV hailing the brave protesters in Tehran and other cities. “The liberation war in Tehran has escalated. The fire has reached the capital and will never be put out,” he said. “Overthrow and regime change have been the Iranian Resistance’s sole guidelines and policy from June 20 th , 1981, to this day… We have said and repeat today that overthrowing and regime change is our duty and task, and on the shoulders of us, our people and our nation’s revolutionary vanguard… with revolting cities and teams…”

Suppression of Peaceful Demonstration in Iran

In order to disperse the Bazaar merchants and the people who had joined them, the anti-riot guard attacked them at 15 th  Khordad Ave and threw tear gas at the crowd. The frustrated people confronted the repressive forces with stones and bricks and set fire to the kiosk of repressive police force at Baharestan Square.  The protesters chanted slogans against the members of parliament.

Iranian people are calling for revolution

The cities of Mashhad, Shiraz, Tabriz, Kermanshah, Shahriar saw shops close and protesters pour into the streets  and in solidarity with Tehran.They    demand for general strike  across the country.

Iranians demand regime change.

Bazaar merchants and youths continued to strike and demonstration  for the second  day in protest against the plundering and repressive policies of the Iranian regime across country  . In Isfahan central of Iran, the protesting people demonstrated at Azadi square chanting: Cannon, tank, firecracker, the mullahs must get lost.

A new round of national uprising in Iran

As protests erupted in Tehran and other cities of Iran on Monday after the rial took another plunge, one thing was evident:  Iranians are fed up with the regime, and they’ll use every opportunity to make it clear that they want regime change and Establishment of a democracy in their country. The merchants of Tehran went on strike and triggered protests and marches that quickly overtook the city. Within hours, protesters in the streets of Tehran were chanting, “Death to the dictator,” and “Death to Khamenei,” , leave Syria and think about us .

Iranians opposition supporters inside Iran supporting Free Iran convention in pairs

Since January numerous cities throughout Iran are witnessing anti-regime protests of significant scope, including the scenes witnessed in Kazerun, southern Iran, and tens of thousands of truck drivers going on strike in hundreds of cities across all of Iran’s 31 provinces. Of course, authorities are also going the distance to crackdown these movements.

Iran's youths supports upcoming Iranian opposition convention in Paris

During traffic hours, PMOI/MEK network members were seen putting up posters of the Iranian opposition convention and those of Maryam Rajavi, President of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)  in Isfahan city central of Iran .

Tehran store-owners protest skyrocketing currency prices

Following the trend of Iran’s currency, the rial, nosediving against the U.S. dollar for many months now, reports indicate the U.S. dollar was trading today at 90,000 rials on the black market in Tehran.

Halt the death penalty in Iran!

Today, a large number of our defenseless countrymen are secretly executed in prisons across the country. Several thousands more are on the death row. We think of their parents, and of their wives and children who spend nights and days under stress. We think of the women who sell their kidneys to pay for their husbands’ blood money and save them from being executed.

Remnants of monarchy in defense of Iranian regime

Reza Pahlavi does not represent anyone inside Iran  and his only credibility is being the offspring of a dictator. His claim only adds to the Iranian people’s loathing for the remnants of the Shah’s regime. Thousands of political prisoners who bear the scars of horrific torture by the Shah’s secret police are still alive, as are the mothers of many of those executed by Shah.

Free Iran Grand Gathering: A window into the future of Iran

The grand gathering symbolizes the legitimacy and capacity of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the largest and most-organized Iranian opposition coalition against Iranian ruling regime. The gathering defies severe political and logistical constraints and the schemes and machinations of the Iranian regime. Any impartial observer can confirm that an independent opposition movement that can hold such a large gathering of Iranian diaspora will be able to gather a very large base of support once it returns to its own country.

The bright future of Iran

Despite four decades of domestic crackdown and fueling foreign wars by Iranian regime, scenes viewed from inside Iran in the past six months prove this dissatisfied nation is rising against the mullahs’ actions in bold fashion and setting their fears aside. The Iranian people are braving all odds, posing serious challenges for the ruling regime and taking to the streets to encounter the entire mullah apparatus, according to a recent  Townhall  piece written by former Algerian prime minister Sid Ahmed Ghozali.

Halt death penalty in Iran now

More than three decades , tens of thousands of people have been executed  by the Iranian regime only because of their opposition to the regime. They were accused of various unjustifiable and invalid charges without any due process of the law. Based on the clerical regime’s penal code, anyone who is a member or supporter of the PMOI or in any way affiliated to it is considered a mohareb (someone who has waged war on God) and the punishment for a mohareb is death. The number of those who have been executed for their dissent is by no means small, and countless young people have been executed for protesting the nationwide oppression.

The source of mullahs' fear

In circumstances that Iran is witnessing a growing number of protests  throughout the country following the Dec/Jan uprising, the mullahs regime is extremely concerned this event will become the source of inspiration for Iran’s highly restive society, to stand firm on their demands and the regime change they yearn.

New social protests in Iran

Once again  several cities  across Iran are witnessed  a variety of protests today with people making their voices heard and demanding authorities take action based on their demands. In Rasht, northern Iran, Caspian credit firm clients rallied outside a branch of this company – linked to the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) – demanding their savings returned.

International solidarity with the Iranian opposition convention

ُُThe Grand Gathering of the Iranian opposition    that will be held in Paris on 30 June, can be a turning point towards democratic change in Iran. So, I urge everyone to come to the rally to join voices in support of a free Iran.”

Continuation of strikes in Iran

Tehran,  hundreds of shoe manufacturers and their workers  closed their workshops in protest of the regime's devastating economic  policies and rallied on Bagh-e Sepahsalar Ave. They objected to the cost of the raw  materials and the employment of non-Iranian workers in this industry, which has caused unemployment and a dire livelihood for thousands of them.

Iran's regime fears this year's Iranian gatherings in Paris

Maryam Rajavi: Our goal is to establish a republic based on pluralism. A society based on respect for human rights without torture and execution ... A new economic system based on equal opportunities for all people, which there is no place for astronomical clandestine plunder. And a justice and independent judiciary system, based on internationally recognized standards

َUnited States and cooperation between Iran and al-Qaeda

According to reports posted on various outlets, the U.S. State Department is considering remarks made recently by a senior Iranian official over events associated to 9/11 terrorist attackers travelling through Iran as acknowledging this regime’s role in facilitating events leading to the tragic attacks that brought New York City’s World Trade Center buildings down.

United Nations Secretary-General confirmed that missiles launched in Saudi Arabia were built in Iran

United Nations secretary general Antonio Gutters mentioned in his secret report   to the Security Council  that the remains of the five rockets launched by Pro -Iran Houthi Yemen from July 2017 in Saudi Arabia were "key features of the well-known missiles made by the Iranian regime and some of their components in Iran Is produced.

Iranian regime, by extorting the Iranian people, made them bankrupt

On February 28th, hundreds of dhow owners in Bushehr Province held a rally outside Bushehr’s customs office protesting the import ban. The truth is the lives of the people living in the country’s southern ports, and the dhow owners and operators, are highly dependent on these specially authorized imports. However, the economic pressures imposed by the regime and the unpopular bills are pushing more people into immense poverty, and many of the sailors are forced to leave town in search of new jobs.

The economic fragility of the Iranian regime against sanctions

Currency prices in Tehran’s markets have increased following U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to exit the Iran nuclear deal and impose new sanctions against the mullahs’ regime destructive policy around the world.

Canadian parliament: ratification of the condemnation of the clerical dictatorship for terrorism and regional interventions

The resolution, adopted on Tuesday in the Canadian Parliament, despite the extensive lobbying of the regime and supporters of the policy of appeasement to religious fascism, also calls on the government to "stand with the Iranian people" and protect their right to freedom of expression and assembly.

The Perspectives of Iranians to Establish Democracy in Their Country.

We want to support the legitimate opposition of the National Council of Resistance of Iran and draw attention to the fact that the shortest and most reliable way to achieve democracy in Iran is through a democratic alternative. There is an Iranian solution to democracy in Iran, which is the resistance of Iran and the leadership of President Maryam Rajavi.Her 10-point plan explains the path to this goal.

Blacklisting Iran’s IRGC by Canadian parliament

Representatives from different parties expressed their support for the regime's condemnation resolution during a parliamentary session on Monday, condemning the violations of human rights, terrorism and regional intervention by the clerical regime and the Revolutionary Guards. Representatives of the Canadian Parliament also expressed their solidarity with the uprising of the Iranian people and their protests against the clerical regime.

Iran's economy is on the verge of crippling

Yes, the fact is that the situation is so worsen that the regime has no way ahead,  and all the current crises rooted in a deadlock in which the regime is its final phase  because  of its problems and social dissatisfaction . so, The regime is well aware that any mistake  will plunge the clerical regime into a quagmire that will have irreparable damage.

The endless crises of the Iranian regime

Widespread protests, in different  cities such as Isfahan and Kazerun, parallel to strikes, by truckers and workers and civil servants, are placing the regime’s economy before the very imminent threat for disintegration.

The Iran regime's deadlock in dealing with the final statement of the G7 session

The leaders of the seven major industrialized countries in the final statement of the G7 Summit reaffirmed their resolve to prevent the clerical regime from gaining access to nuclear weapons, and urged the Iranian regime to stop ballistic missiles and their regional interventions.

New crisis in Iran's parliament

Iran's joining  to the Counter-Terrorism Financing Convention FATF, has remained silent for two months as a result of crisis in parliament .

Iran nuclear deal & Tehran’s economy disintegration

In recent weeks, major oil companies, Total France and Lukoil Russia, and the Peugeot Citroen automobile company in France have been dissipated from their projects in Iran, and the Boeing American Aircraft Company has announced that it will not sell any airplane to the Iranian regime.

Iran: Save water , Save life

The country should try to resolve the water problem and change the way farming works," he said. The government was looking for it, but it did not happen, and Rouhani is sitting and the wells are drying up, and the water of the dams Go lower.;postID=4084201491220778927

The acute crisis within the Iranian regime for joining the FATF convention

Rohani's Deputy Minister of Economics said that we can not ignore the FATF and say that we are not a member because the FATF is an international mechanism,  acknowledging that some FATF regulations create problems for the banking system, and one of the problems is with regard to financial transparency systems. And if we want to work with  international financial systems and banks in the world, we have to adapt ourselves to its conditions.

Iran: The embezzlers in power

Iranian regime  authorities are involved in enormous cases of embezzlement and theft, over 20 million people are living in slums and suffering from poverty and hunger and tens millions suferring from lack of sufficient food . It is meaning that 30 percent of Iranians are hungry and cannot even provide bread for themselves.

Human Rights Groups Call for immediate Release of political Prisoners,in ran

On Thursday, the Italian human rights organization EveryOne released a statement in partnership with Iran Human Rights Monitor, urging the release of all political prisoners detained in the Islamic Republic of Iran over the previous six months particulary the innocent youths and teenagers . The statement highlights “widespread arrests” and the killing of “defenseless prisoners” that started during nationwide “pro-democracy demonstrations” that began on December 28, 2017 in various cities of the country.

Iranian poultry industry on the brink of bankruptcy.

Hundreds of poultry workers throughout the country had previously gathered in front of the presidential office on Pasteur Street in Tehran, in protest against the bankrupt economic situation due to the destruction of the  poultry industry and the lack of grain for their chickens. They gathered from several cities and went to Tehran to stage their protest against the economic policy of Iraninan regime.

Iran: development of the enrichment program during the talks

The head of the Atomic Energy Agency of the Iranian regime, in an interview in  Natanz uraniume enrichment site, admitted that the regime has been developing the enrichment program during the negotiations with the 5+1 countries , and has been working on this site since2014. He also threatened and explained the plans of the clerical regime to develop the regime's enrichment programs.

How Iran’s people boycotted “Quds Day” rally?

The boycott of the regime's demonstration by the Iranians yesterday reflect the hatred of the people against the rulers of the country and their disregard for government propaganda.

Iran's opposition grand gathering in Paris & the mullahs’ fears

The fact is that since Khomeini's theft of the Iranian revolution, the new regime destabilised  the region in order to dominate and establish an Islamic caliphate. Looking at the past 39 years, it is well-known that this regime has a history of exporting terrorism, killing and waging war, creating unrest and tension .

Young Arab activist murdered by intelligent agents in Iran

After one year of arresting Arab activists in Iran, the Ministry of Intelligence  contacted his family to go to hospital  and deliver his body.

Iran and the ever-growing impasse

The new US sanctions against the regime are one of the important issues that has attracted the attention of many politicians and senior officials in many countries and the news media over the year. There is no need to explain that by imposing such sanctions, the Iranian regime will eventually be isolated and excluded.

Iran:Economic bankruptcy, protest, and crackdown

In Iran, all classes of people participate  in the protests against the evil government  and the government has not succeeded in turning off these protests despite the severe repression of the demands of the people. Daily protests are increasing and regime repression can not control this situation.

The deterioration of the economic situation in Iran

The Iranian economy is in a very critical  position. The status of US sanctions sanctions against Iran is   dangrous and fragile. A report was issued a few days ago by the Iranian Parliamentary Research Center, which shows several reasons for the devaluation of Iranian currency.

Growing public dissident in Iran

Iran's regime's concern over the current situation inf the country increases every day. The bad economic  circumstances and expensive  of essential goods and food staffs. The unemployment crisis and the public's dissatisfaction with the government have led   to the admission of these officials to the deteriorating situation  of the country.

The fears of the regime's officials from a new uprising in Iran

several officials of the Iranian regime admit to the dissatisfaction of Iranian people from regime and the frustration of the Iranian people and concern about the situation.

The time has passed for apeasment the Iranian regime

The United States Senate has uncovered some of the secret and illegitimate privileges of the former US president to the Iranian regime in its new report.

Bankruptcy of local industries in Iran

After the new sanctions of the US Treasury Department and the economic Wrong management of the Iranian regime, Iran's industries are on the brink of bankruptcy, and Iran's handicrafts are no exception to this rule.

The Iranian regime's failure in the telegram filtering

The Iranian regime's attempts to filter the telegram led to a failure, and the people of Iran have used this messenger as before.

ّIran: Foreign companies leave the Iranian market.

As a result  of new US sanctions against Iran, economic companies leave the Iranian market and end their cooperation with Iran.

Stealing the wealth of the people of Iran by the government financial entities.

Thousands of Iranians have been plundered by government financial institutions and all assets and wealth have been plundered by these institutions.

Iran: Significance of human rights sanctions against Iran

The US Treasury Department is imposing sanctions on those who violate the human rights of the Iranian people. The list includes those responsible for the repression of the Iranian people and the authorities of the Iranian regime.

ّIran:Khamenei expresses grave concerns about Iran’s future

The enemy knows if they launch a missile, we'll launch dozens back Missiles. we believe that  producing a variety of missiles and the strength of our missiles will provide security for our country.