
Showing posts from November, 2017

stop Iran's Malign Influence in Lebanon

Iran's Malign Influence in Lebanon 11 November 2017   f Share   in Share Iran Focus London, 11 Nov - The shock announcement of Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s resignation is making many wonder what the reasons were behind his decision. There are many political reasons such as the influence of Hezbollah which is in control of around a quarter of the Lebanese territory and is more powerful than the country’s army. Iran is the one behind Hezbollah and Syria’s interference in Lebanese politics, and it is certain that this was at least part of the reason why Hariri resigned. He left the country before announcing his intentions – no surprise, given that Hezbollah is known to assassinate those that speak out against it. Hezbollah’s control over parts of Lebanon has allowed it to introduce social programs that have resulted in considerable support from the Shia population. The social program collects taxes so that hospitals, social centers,

Iranian regime must be halted torture of Iranian political prisoners

Iran: Inhumane Pressure on Political Prisoners and Labour Activists  Sunday, 12 November 2017 22:27  Print  Email NCRI Staff NCRI - According to reports, the Iranian regime's judiciary and security authorities have opposed and prevented the transfer of the imprisoned labour activist Mahmoud Salehi to a well-equipped hospital. Doctors have insisted that this labour activist should be transferred to a more accessible hospital soon due to acute cardiac, kidney and diabetes problems. According to state-run ILNA news agency, quoting Mr. Salehi's family, his doctor recommended that this labour activist should be transferred to a hospital in Tehran, Tabriz, or Orumiyeh for continued treatment of his heart. He was first transferred to the prison infirmary and then to the so-called Imam Khomeini hospital (the 1000-bed hospital in Tehran) on November 12 due to exacerbation of his heart disease, and has since been admitted to the intensive care unit. Mahmoud

Maryam Rajavi's Urgent Appeal to Save Victims of Earthquake in west of Iran

Maryam Rajavi's Urgent Appeal to Save Victims of Earthquake in Iran  Print  Email With deepest sympathies to my fellow compatriots stricken by the earthquake in western Iran, particularly in Qasr-e Shirin and Sar-e Pol-e Zahab, I would like to extend my heartfelt condolences to the bereaved families who have lost their loved ones. In these difficult moments when all the people of Iran are anxious and concerned about the lives of those stuck under the rubbles, what adds to the public’s distress is the clerical regime’s criminal record in such natural disasters of dragging its feet and dodging its responsibility in saving the lives of people. This is all the more reason for our compatriots, particularly the courageous youths, who reside in western Iran to rush to the aid of people in the quake-stricken areas and help those trapped under the wreckage. Just as opposed to the practices of the clerical regime, now is the time to show solidarity. Assisting and s

Iran's destructive intervention in Bahrain must be countered

Bahrain Blames Iran Regime Over Oil Pipeline Blast  Print  Email Bahrain said an explosion which caused a fire at its main oil pipeline on Friday was caused by "terrorist" sabotage, linking the unprecedented attack to its arch-foe Iran. A key Western ally and host to the US Fifth Fleet, Sunni Muslim-ruled Bahrain has for years grappled with protests and sporadic violence coming from its Shia majority. "The incident was an act of sabotage and a dangerous act of terrorism aimed at harming the higher interests of the nation and the safety of the people," the ministry said on its website. "Terrorist acts witnessed by the country in the recent period are carried out through direct contacts and instructions from Iran," the statement quoted Interior Minister Sheikh Rashid bin Abdullah al Khalifa as saying. Bahraini authorities said they had brought under control the fire at the oil pipeline. State-run Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) c

Democratic Change in Iran Is Within Reach by Iranian people

Democratic Change in Iran Is Within Reach  Sunday, 12 November 2017 03:03  Print  Email Hostage crisis anniversary reminder of need for change in Iran By Ali Safavi, ‘THE Hill. On Nov. 4, the Iranian regime commemorated the 38th anniversary of the U.S. Embassy takeover in 1979, when dozens of Americans were taken hostage for 444 days. This year, it paraded its ballistic missiles in front of the former U.S. Embassy in Tehran. With chants of "Death to America," the disdain for international norms and the nuclear deal came through loud and clear. But that image does not represent Iran. Today, the average Iranian citizen longs for friendship and mutually beneficial ties with the outside world, particularly the United States. In 1979, it was not only Americans taken hostage by a medieval theocratic order; the Iranian people were also taken hostage and held captive after their democratic revolution was usurped by Khomeini. Decades later, the prospects o

The new Iranian regime military base in Syria

Iran Regime's Military Base Being Constructed in Syria  Print  Email NCRI Staff NCRI - Intelligence sources from the West have shown that an Iranian military base that is being set up in Syria will be a permanent one. Yesterday, new satellite images were released as proof of Iran’s new venture in Syria. The building work is continuing as seen in the satellite imagery. It is so far unconfirmed that the construction will lead to a military base, but evidence strongly points to this hypothesis. The Iranian regime has been involved in the Syrian civil war since the very beginning and it has propped up Syrian President Bashar al Assad and his forces. If it were not for the interference of the Iranian regime, the Syrian civil war would have ended many years ago. The Iranian regime has recently boasted about it victories in Syria and Iraq, and it now appears that the next country on the list is Lebanon. The Iranian regime already has significant influence in S